


New member
Dec 19, 2003
St. Ignatius,MT
So I was just wondering....Our last president gets a blowjob in office and everybody wants him impeached! But our current jackoff lies to the world about weapons of math instruction and nobody wants him impeached. I guess I'm just missing something here! What do you think? Please any republican propoganda is welcomed, it always is a good laugh!
The truth Beardown is that you haven't a clue how the government works. Unfortunately our highest level officials are only capable of reporting rumor and hearsay filtered upward through numerous levels within the pyramid. Too; they must "trust" what is relayed to them. Often; the very words of their briefs are provided for them. (This of course is not relatedtothe wordsspoken into Mr Clinton's briefs!) Now; did "anyone" lie? Yes, so far every one of the Democratic candidates except Sharpton; he's my man! :rolleyes: This morning a major union, name witheld to protect the innocent, announced they are withdrawing support originally announced for Mr Dean and redirecting it to Mr Kerry. After all, the quote continued; what we really want to do is defeat Mr Bush. Put a Democrat in your pocket!! Gee you can't get any favortism for your special interest group if support a losing candidate. Now that is what I call loyalty. And they represent workers!! I'm joining up! :rolleyes: Ifg you have any more concerns about GWs performance, just reflect on Reagan's birthday memories this weekend and compare. You will discover that GWs approaceh is a mirror image ofReagan's and then remember that Reagan is rated as one of the two better Presidents ever. :D Oh, the other one was a Republican too!
Who ranked Reagan "one of the best ever"?

Apparantly they must have been playing rip-van-winkle for about 8 years.
Was Reagan ranked as one of the two better presidents ever, by the same guy that told you Harley Davidson was the leading Motorcycle sold in Japan???

Doesn't every hunter want to see Bush removed from office? Why on earth would a hunter want to see Bush remain in office?
No "Pee Shooter" it wasn't the same guy; it was CNN this time. Why would I not support my President simply because he may be misguided about environmental issues? Why wouldn't I spend my time educating him? Maybe he just doesn't know? Ignorance is like that?. Makes one ask assenine questions, appear uninformed, infers dullness, highlights one's youthful inexperience.
CNN, the network of Ted Turner ranked Reagan as the 2nd best President of all time? I think I have to call BS on that one.... You gotta link on that award bestowed by CNN on Nancy's husband?

And Paws, you really don't seem that youthful, but you are correct on your appearing uninformed when you make comments like those....
"CNN, the network of Ted Turner ranked Reagan as the 2nd best President of all time?" Is there a course of instruction somewhere that I am not familiar with that teaches folk how to misinterpret, twist, or mutilate the spoken/written word when repeated?? Where did anyone say that CNN ranked anything? :confused: Put your crack pipe down sonny; it's interfering with the transfer process among your axons and dendrites!
Wasn't Reagan in favor of selling off public lands in the western states? That would hardly make him one of the best presidents this country has ever had, at least for us who like to hunt.
Are you now saying it wasn't CNN that ranked Reagan 2nd?
"it was CNN this time"

Not sure what you got going on, but something is preventing your posts from making sense. Hopefully you can get the problem fixed.

I will agree with you.... Reagan was the 2nd best President to serve in the 1980's.
Read it again. I said exactly what I meant. There is absolutely no need whatever to attempt to interpret, read between the lines, reinvent what was intended, or add/change words. I said absolutely nothing about CNN ranking anything nor did I say anything about Reagan being the 2nd best anything. Have you ever had your cognitive skills tested? :confused:
"I thought Regan was the best president that Japan ever had." --Beardown; nope, that would probably have to be Eisenhour! :D
Ronald Reagan is, was, and forever will be known as the greatest President of the 20th Century. He is not the "best" but the greatest, as in the one with the most inherent Greatness.

Reagan was a moral man possessed of great vision and a deep seated belief in the promise of America.

Reagan, all by himself led the men who engineered the defeat of the Soviet Union.

Remember the Achille Lauro and Leon Klinghoffer?
Reagan had the terrorists who pulled that one on their f#cking faces, in handcuffs, in THREE DAYS. From GO to mission complete in 76 hours.

How about Pan-Am 103, Lockerbie Scotland, remember that one?

When early hard evidence pointed to Libya we had bombs on target within THREE DAYS. From 1986 until just a few weeks ago when he promised not do anything to piss-off GW, Muhammar Quadaffi hadn't said squat.

Yeah Reagan gets blamed for running up the deficit. Yeah all by himself the President has that power, yeah. While you twist yourselves into knots over the deficit (which so greatly impacts your daily lives) please remember that only CONGRESS can spend the Government's (our) money.

Reagan had a goal and in order to make it a reality he had to make political(read appropriations) concessions to the pork-barrelers in both houses.

So if Reagan was so bad...who was better? Clinton? Puh-leeeze pull your head out. Don't get me started..........worst CinC EVER!!!!!

Hey Buzz it never was about the blowjob it was about WJ's propensity to lie...about everything. He is was/is a fundamentally dishonest, amoral human being(and he doesn't hold a candle to his wife)

Bush's enviro policy sucks, but the boy is trainable.
Hey Erik, I think you got me confused with someone else.

I've never, in my lifetime, seen a president that wasnt a lying bastard, including Reagan.

I've never really gotten over the Savings and Loan scandal or the Iran/Contra business to rank Reagan as an honest, trustworthy, moral man...let alone rank him the best president ever.

JMO, though.
Well guys what in the hell are we going to end up with after GW Bush, I predict another asshole[kerry maybee] the plain truth is THEY ALL SUCK! and that is very very sad. What we need is a hardcore American who is willing to do what is right for AMERICA, and tell the rest of the world to F-OFF.
Thats cause old John Mccain was inbed with Charles Keating [grandmaster of fraud] [lincoln thrift] John Mcpain has done the two-step around the S&L scandal ever since.
Buzz Boy,

There does not seem to be a single person in this country that is up to your standards to be President. You have yet to endorse anyone, but ridicule everyone. So let's hear it. Who does the All mighty Buzz Boy endorse for President in 2004. Put up or shut up.


I dont endorse any of the current candidates...same old thing election after election.

Its really kind of disappointing to never see a good candidate.

The only wild card I see at all is that John Edwards dude. Havent really heard much about him...good, bad, or indifferent. But, it really doesnt matter because he aint getting the nod anyway.

I'll endorse someone when I'm given a good choice.

Besides that, the monkies in charge of the whitehouse (at least in the last 20 years) are just a figurehead anyway...I mean they dont take responsibility for anything, its never their fault, and all they do is point fingers and pass the buck.

It would be refreshing to have a president that:

1. Told the truth
2. Stood up for what they believe
3. Live with and take responsibility for their actions
4. Listen to the public, who elects them
5. Gave a shit about the environment
6. Didnt constantly lie
7. Quit caving to special interest
8. Worry as much about the US as they do Iraq, Pakistan, Israel, Cuba, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

You know basically just do the damned job and be a freaking leader.

To tell you the truth, I think most voters are so sick and tired of the shit, they've just about given up the desire to even walk to the nearest polling place...I cant really blame them.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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