Looks like Heaven! :D That is some nice country and some nice hogs! My friends and I used to have exclusive access to about 25K acres near Parkfield, until our friend passed away. Lots of great memories, though.
Congrats on your sucess!
We went to the club this morning so he could try it out. The sight pins were off, of course, and the little gunsmithing screwdriver set I brought did not have the correct bit, so he had to use Kentucky windage and elevation, holding between the bottom two pins, and hold a foot or so right. He...
After sitting dormant for a couple years, Michael decided it was time to start shooting a bow again. His interest was reawakened at my hunting club's 4th of July "All Sportsmen's Challenge." One of the events was archery. He has always seemed to have a knack for shooting a bow, even at 4...
A friend of mine just picked up one of those rangefinders and we were playing with it the other day. It works very well on a variety of targets - better than any of my other, older rangefinders from Nikon, Bushnell, Leupold, etc.
I've also had good luck with Burris scopes - I have their older model "Short Mag" compact scopes on two Tikka T-3 Lites, and tehy work very well. They make a 2.5-7x35 that sells for half the price of the Leupold and only weighs 12 oz - about 1/2 oz more than the Leupold. You can even get it...
I like my Leupold compact 2-7x36 or my newer 2.5-8x36 - they gather light much better than youwould expect with the smaller objective. They also make a 1.75-6x32. All come with the "extended twilight" lenses. The base model is $399.99 at SWFA.com - they may be cheaper elsewhere.
Now if you like "old style" country - this guy is good. He played at our club last Saturday...In answer to requests, he said that if the song was newer than 30 years old and the artist was still alive, they probably don;t know the song. :) (Not really, as he did some newer stuff, including...
Great news, Fred! I'm sorry you had to move back, though. I know how much you all liked it where you were. Are you still in Ohio? My oldest daughter lives there.
I was in St. Louis last Wednesday and Thursday - miserable. Hot and humid with occasional thunderstorms. It is nice here at home - down into the high 50's low 60's at night and into the 70's and 80's during the day with low humidity. Perfect!
I'm no good at this, but I'd guess about 187/184. Forks look a little longer than my biggest, and he went just under 180. Eye guards and width look about the same.
Yooper is/was a prison guard in Michigan.
I'd have to say the best was Wild Elk. Anyone remember his burlap elk decoy? Chicken Little? He was before Moosie started this forum, though...
DS and Jason Lee were both a hoot on the Texas trip.
b'cat was I believe, asked to leave. There was also Deerslayer, Raven Beauty (who started her own forum,) Jason Lee (who still comes by once in a great while,) Feclnoggin, and a slew of others. Many, like the The Greek, I don;t miss. Remember Yooper?
A big weekend-long camp out and shindig at the Hunting and Fishing Club. Saturday is the "All Sportmen's Challenge" games (archery, .22 rimfire, basketball, casting plug contest, etc.) and Sunday is the big deep pit beef barbecue, pig on a spit and fireworks extravaganza. Monday is recuperate...
Wow - you were only a few miles from me. I live just outside Long Beach, across the Orange County line. That's a lot of driving in 7 days.
Congrats on the forthcoming grandchild!