Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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  1. 6speed

    ID Fee Increase Dead for Now

    Obviously Gibbs has sold out. I sent my opinion to Bedkey since he appointed Gibbs.
  2. 6speed

    Idaho Legislating 17 Stranger than fiction.

    The kooks are coming out of the woodwork in Boise! So far my favorite is HB0065 from Rep. Paul Shepherd. It would attempt to grant Idaho legislators the ability to over ride the SCOTUS and any other federal entity on anything the legislator felt unconstitutional. You can't make this stuff up...
  3. 6speed

    Hunters Happy Hour & IDFG Public Hearing Jan 25th in Boise

    From the looks of their meeting agenda and my work schedule I figured that would be a good one to attend so as of now I plan on being there.
  4. 6speed

    Hunters Happy Hour & IDFG Public Hearing Jan 25th in Boise

    Sounds like you had a decent turnout. Wish I could have been there. Any chance there will be one before the meeting in Salmon when they get updated on auction tags?
  5. 6speed

    Black powder rifle kits

    I built one from a kit with my dad when I was 10. I still shoot it and every time I do I remember something about the process. When my kids are a little older I'll build some with them. If you take your time and fit everything well it is a fairly simple process.
  6. 6speed

    a new audience to seek.

    Not to be a downer but it's still illegal in many western states.
  7. 6speed

    Removing Doug Sayer from Wild Sheep Foundation for Idaho political strong-arming

    Any word on how the membership meeting went? Will there be changes?
  8. 6speed

    question about starting daughter off on rifle?

    I picked up a Remington stock and cut 2 inches off of it for my 8 year old. I have a 220 swift barrel and action in it with a 2-7x36 scout rifle scope mounted on it so she can see and get a good cheek weld without feeling to close. I use plugs and muffs together to limit the jump from the sound...
  9. 6speed

    Removing Doug Sayer from Wild Sheep Foundation for Idaho political strong-arming

    Fixed it for ya. The infighting is generated by the vast majority of Idaho sportsmen coming to the realization that an organization once viewed as upstanding and ethical has been stabbing them in the back for years, letting SFW take the heat, and failing to do what their membership dues were...
  10. 6speed

    Rough winter taking it's toll on S.W. Idaho Chukar?

    I've got a covey that moved into my back yard. They look pretty healthy and I was tempted to have a few for dinner. Problem is I've never seen a covey in my yard and it's got to be hard out further so I'll let them be and shoot some coyotes instead. Maybe next year they'll bring friends.
  11. 6speed

    Idaho Auction Tag Petition: Please sign if you want to have your voice heard

    2017 Agenda https://idfg.idaho.gov/about/commission/schedule
  12. 6speed

    Idaho Auction Tag Petition: Please sign if you want to have your voice heard

    They will decide that at the meeting in CDA.
  13. 6speed

    Idaho Auction Tag Petition: Please sign if you want to have your voice heard

    I see the IDF&G commission agenda lists a briefing on auction and lottery tags at the Salmon meeting on May 17-18 and release of bighorn sheep tags for auction and lottery July 26-28 in Cour d'Alene.
  14. 6speed

    Idaho Auction Tag Petition: Please sign if you want to have your voice heard

    Bair probably won't push another "auction" tag bill this year. Keep an eye out for the increase and allowable sale of landowner tags this year instead. However I have a sneaking suspicion that the commission may be more than happy to allocate all 12 auction tags allowable.
  15. 6speed

    Ground shooting grouse

    I've never had a problem shooting birds on the ground. I've never lost one that way either.
  16. 6speed

    Bears Ears and Gold Butte become National Monuments

    Looks like Utah's delegation should have actually been proactive instead of just "open to protecting" those areas. When Idaho's delegation was faced with a giant National Monument they stepped up and developed 3 new wilderness areas that accomplished what most wanted and pacified the rest...
  17. 6speed

    ID Senator emails about replacing Steve Bair as chair of Resource & Environment Com.

    Keep it up Josh, I didn't get a reply from Hill either. If they don't like hearing from us now maybe they will realize how much louder it will get if they actually try to push this crap again.
  18. 6speed

    Idaho Late Archery Muleys

    I'm headed up there for a last chance tag filler myself.

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