Is the Limb Shift on the new Matthews really that big of a deal?


Active member
Dec 17, 2019
Hello All,

@Twobyfour and myself are in the market for a new bow. I've seen a ton of marketing for the new Matthews with the "limb shift technology."

It seems cool but is it really needed? Maybe I have missed something along the way, but in my 30 years of bow hunting, I've never heard of shifting your limbs or shiming your cams until now.

I've always paper tuned by making some adjustments on the rest.

I'm just wondering if I have missed something all those years or if it is marketing hype. Bowtech has had this technology for several years and I never knew it was a thing even after owning several Bowtech bows.

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It's no better than Bowtech or Elite's system. You move the rest, most now move the cams. Either works but the new shift systems make things easy, set the rest at 13/16 and pull out the allen wrench.
All these systems eliminate the need for a bow press. If you take your bow to a pro shop for tuning, now you can do it at home or at the line between shots. That's the advantage.
All these systems eliminate the need for a bow press. If you take your bow to a pro shop for tuning, now you can do it at home or at the line between shots. That's the advantage.
I guess I've never needed to take a bow into the shop other than new strings every few years. I have bought them at the shop and the shop set them up at initial purchase but that has been about it.
I guess I've never needed to take a bow into the shop other than new strings every few years. I have bought them at the shop and the shop set them up at initial purchase but that has been about it.
Same here. I paper tune at the shop, get the bow to shoot bullet holes through paper, then go home and shoot broadheads. At that point, any micro tuning that needs to be done is small adjustments on the rest.
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