Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Idaho Auction Tag Petition: Please sign if you want to have your voice heard

Josh Kuntz

Nov 26, 2013
Based on feedback and requests from sportsmen, Idaho BHA and Idaho Wildlife Federation have created a petition to make sure your voice gets heard if you oppose increasing the number of auction tags in Idaho. This petition will get submitted to the Idaho Legislature and the Idaho Fish & Game Commission.


Please feel free to share this petition via email or social media if you are so inclined. This an issue for Non-Residents as well, as it is my understanding that auction tags would be taken from the non-resident pool of tags.

Background Info
IDFG commission has a meeting on January 25th in Boise and will hear public testimony on any issue

The Idaho Legislature starts its session on January 9th. There will be various hearings and opportunities for public comment.

The Idaho Fish & Game currently offers 1 auction tag, which is for bighorn sheep and goes to the highest bidder. The IDFG commission has the authority to offer up to 12 auction tags for big game species. The IDFG has never increased the allocation beyond the current level of 1 tag.

In 2016, one IDFG commissioner brought up the idea of increasing the number of auction tags to 5, one for elk, deer, moose, sheep, goat. The idea received strong opposition from hunters during the public testimony meetings. The IDFG commission never turned the idea into formal motion, therefore no changes were made.

In 2016, the Idaho Legislature considered a bill that would have changed the language regarding Auction Tags that would have mandated (required) the IDFG allocate all 12 auction tags. The bill never gained enough traction to come up for an official vote.

In 2017, it is expected that the Idaho Legislature will be considering a new bill that mandates 12 Auction Tags and 12 Raffle Tags. There would be no limit on how many raffle tags an individual could buy, therefore giving those with greater financial means the ability to increase their odds with no limit.

My understanding is that a paid lobbyist is pushing the Auction Tag legislation.

In 2010, legislation was passed that now allows the Idaho Legislature to have greater influence on the IDFG, such as mandating auction tags.

The same small group of legislatures and wealthy donors have been supporting all of the bills mentioned.

There is a long and controversial history regarding two IDFG commissioners being removed from the commission. There are other Hunt Talk threads regarding emails and opinions from Doug Sayer (auction tag proponent) to the Governor's office and his influence/involvement with lobbyists and legislatures that are pushing the auction tags.
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Thanks for your (and BHA) efforts on this. It doesn't go unnoticed by sportsmen.
I have already signed but noticed that when I click your link I get redirected to 404. Maybe it's just me?
Signed! How deep is the SFW involved in trying to get this auction tag system mandated in ID?

This isn't just an SWF tactic any longer. Its being promoted and used by virtually every conservation org as a way to generate money. Every acronym you can think of glommed onto the Alaska auction tag push a couple years ago. RMEF was even included, until someone pointed out that they misrepresented their stance.
Idaho state journal has really been backing hunters on some important issues I hope its getting the views it deserves.

That said I do wish they had written "mandate" here.
Idaho Wildlife Federation (IWF), Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and others are using the online petition to urge Idaho legislators and Idaho Fish and Game commissioners to vote against any proposals that would allow an increase in the allocation of auction tags in the state.

Not that I could do better:)
Bair probably won't push another "auction" tag bill this year. Keep an eye out for the increase and allowable sale of landowner tags this year instead. However I have a sneaking suspicion that the commission may be more than happy to allocate all 12 auction tags allowable.
I see the IDF&G commission agenda lists a briefing on auction and lottery tags at the Salmon meeting on May 17-18 and release of bighorn sheep tags for auction and lottery July 26-28 in Cour d'Alene.
I see the IDF&G commission agenda lists a briefing on auction and lottery tags at the Salmon meeting on May 17-18 and release of bighorn sheep tags for auction and lottery July 26-28 in Cour d'Alene.

A single tag or an additional tag?
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