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Idaho TAG GRAB and auction info

Also consider quoting sections of his reply and using them as examples when you reply to other committee members
Let me guess that response was from Siddoway. I got a similar response from him last year regarding the points. My experience is that he doesn't give a rat about sound scientific management or the will of the people he is supposed to be serving.

You are correct :).


I am still working on a response-hopefully I can get him to continue expressing his sentiments about how a sheep farmer who runs a high fence elk/bison "kill" (I just cant bring myself to call it hunting) operation thinks he knows whats best for Idaho's big game herds as far as tag numbers/points, etc go-though I doubt he is willing to put too much into email form. In my original emails I didn't mention anything about the correlation that is obvious to sportsmen/women between this bill and what has transpired with auction tags in Utah, however I will be sure he knows we all see the connection and the inevitable problems down the road...
Winner, winner, chicken dinner! I just DO NOT understand the guy. I have never read any of his .... that has really made any sense, but I am just a dumb Idaho voter. I could go on and on about him, but will not waste my breath.

Let me guess that response was from Siddoway. I got a similar response from him last year regarding the points. My experience is that he doesn't give a rat about sound scientific management or the will of the people he is supposed to be serving.
This is the type of resident hunter disregard that Montana showed and why Montana Sportsmen s Alliance was formed. I hope Idaho sportsman get organized here.
I found this petition on via another hunting site earlier today. Stop Idaho's mandatory Governor's hunting tags before it's too late.

Can any of you tell me if such petitions have much impact on legislators?

I don't know, but I signed it. I actually liked the idea of a few auctioned tags, but I've come to the realization that greed will ultimately win out, and a few tags will turn into dozens, or hundreds. I saw a bar chart of Utah's tag counts that started in the 80s, and it was an eye-opener. They had very modest auction tag counts for a while, but then the wheels came off. Idaho, I'm afraid, would fall into a similar model.
Read on MM today that this legislation got vetoed. A victory for now. I noticed they tried only to get their foot in the door with this bill (12 tags). A much bigger bite was attemped and failed in Arizona. The wildlife prostitutes changed their strategy but still lost.

I've been googling to find the history of Utah auction tag numbers but found nothing. Anybody have any links to share?
Read on MM today that this legislation got vetoed. A victory for now. I noticed they tried only to get their foot in the door with this bill (12 tags). A much bigger bite was attemped and failed in Arizona. The wildlife prostitutes changed their strategy but still lost.

I've been googling to find the history of Utah auction tag numbers but found nothing. Anybody have any links to share?

The source at MM was slightly mistaken. The IDF&G commission chose not to increase the number of Governor's tags. The legislation being pushed would make the issuance of the tags law therby overriding the the decision of the commission and the will of the public.
Question, I had someone trying to tell me yesterday that the expo tags that are raffled off in Utah didn't cone out of the general pool of tags. I don't see how they wouldn't. They didn't just create hundreds of "extra" tags to raffle off, did they? I was telling him that you could thank those conservation tags for contributing to points creep in the LE units. Thoughts?
The expo tags were taken out of the draw. They were originally taken 50% from resident and 50% non-resident. That allocation has changed a little. It really hurts non-resident where there would be two tags available to a unit there in only one. For example...If you have a lot of sheep points that tag taken makes it highly likely that your points are more or less junk.
I'm not from Idaho, but if I was allowed to bet, my money would be placed on the fact that the origin is no more than two degrees of separation from the state on your southern border, and I'm not talking about Nevada.

We all figured the same thing. We should have realized the Doug Sayer that was pushing the bill was the Doug Sayer that buys the 1 Governor Sheep tag and incidentally the chairman of the Wild Sheep Foundation. He must have wanted more tags so he didn't have to bid so high.
Yes, the wording is up to 10% of tags go to NRs. The quota is met most of the time. It will not be hard to set the quota program to remove the tags from the NRs for the draws. For example, there are 88 bighorn sheep tags. IDF&G gives 8 tags to NRs. They will set the quota going forward that the NR allocation is 7 tags.

I drew a bull moose tag this year in Idaho as a non-resident. Not even close to 10% of bull moose tags went to non-residents in 2016.
I drew a bull moose tag this year in Idaho as a non-resident. Not even close to 10% of bull moose tags went to non-residents in 2016.

It is UP TO 10℅ this year was about 8℅ not sure that is not even close but it does come down to about 14 tags so maybe that's what your talking about?