Good on you, for thinking of someone else. I'd start by calling the local Fish and Game office and seeing what your options are.
Biologists have a tough job settling on quotas. More goes into setting harvest numbers than driving around and counting animals.
A few things are always...
The drawing was at 1:00 PM today. When my phone wasn’t ringing by 2:00, I chalked up this years entries, as another donation. Tonight, I took a quick look through the list of winners. No dice for the kid or I. Congrats to all who drew this year.
Anyone with more than a few brain cells knows CWD won’t be cured or eliminated, with orange hats and rifles.
Research and science is where the answers are. Wyoming has a license to print money, in the form of non resident tags. There’s no reason Wyoming shouldn’t have the country’s biggest and...
What would make you think you are entitled to hunt elk wherever you want? FYI, the wildlife belongs to everyone. Half of Wyoming is federal, and belongs to all Americans.
I don't understand the argument of wanting to be like neighboring states.
I have a neighbor 2 houses down the street. He's a lazy non working, welfare collecting pos. I've got no desire to be like him.
I get what you are saying. I've run into NR hunters here in my home state. But, I don't feel like they are taking from me. Those are public lands, and open for all to enjoy. If a NR kills a buck, I'll be the first to offer help packing or dragging.
I quit applying to NM a couple of years ago...
A few thoughts.....
I hear a lot of talk about entitlements for residents.
Its very obvious that our HT, TF members are eager to rub NR noses in 90/10.
So, here's a question. Does anyone on the TF truly care about the resource?
Is anyone thinking outside the box?
Here's a wild idea, let's...