Good luck. Remember to circle back after the hunt to let us know how you did. Folks will probably also be interested in how the doe hunt goes in 102. As tags get more and more scarce, more and more people are turning to the much less popular units to try to get out into the field (a member of my hunting party picked up a couple doe tags in the leftover this year because he struck out in the draw).
Hello steelhead, congrats on the tag. I was there scouting for deer. I saw a ton of antelope and a few good ones. I was wondering if you would be willing to share some information back and forth. Since I'm hunting deer maybe you could give me some tips on deer and where you're seeing them and I can let you know of any big Antelope bucks I am seeing and have seen. Send me a pm if you are interested and I will give you my phone number. Are you going to go scouting?
Anyone have a chance to scout yet? Living in Reno I only have the opportunity to e-scout. When so much of it looks like good antelope country it's hard to pick a numero uno spot.
Good luck! I am thinking of cashing in my five points in 2021 to take my two boys on their first big game hunt. 73 is at the top my list since this will be a family trip and have more camping options if needed.
We'll be there for a couple weeks. Going to look around arminto part of the unit to camp on blm.
How did it go?
As I mentioned in a previous post, my boys (5 and 7) are finally old enough to tag along on a hunt so I have decided to cash in my WY antelope points. I currently have 5 points and do not have a problem going into the special draw since we are already planning on being in the Grand Tetons the first half of the trip. I have been looking into Unit 72 and 73 since I would have good odds in the special draw. I am on the fence which unit to put as first choice. 72 only has 700 tags this year compared to 1200 for 73 but it looks like access is a little better in 73. Both appear to have similar success rates and I am sure we'll see our share of goats but I want this to been a great learning experience for the boys so I am not planning on holding out and burning points waiting for monster. Any recommendations on which unit I should lean towards? At this point I am using access as the tipping factor since everything else seems to look like it evens out. Well be hunting the opening week.
How did it go?
As I mentioned in a previous post, my boys (5 and 7) are finally old enough to tag along on a hunt so I have decided to cash in my WY antelope points. I currently have 5 points and do not have a problem going into the special draw since we are already planning on being in the Grand Tetons the first half of the trip. I have been looking into Unit 72 and 73 since I would have good odds in the special draw. I am on the fence which unit to put as first choice. 72 only has 700 tags this year compared to 1200 for 73 but it looks like access is a little better in 73. Both appear to have similar success rates and I am sure we'll see our share of goats but I want this to been a great learning experience for the boys so I am not planning on holding out and burning points waiting for monster. Any recommendations on which unit I should lean towards? At this point I am using access as the tipping factor since everything else seems to look like it evens out. Well be hunting the opening week.
Lots of goats, but a lot of small ones too. Hunted it last year and shot a 79 3/8 goat, but I scouted for three days and found him and sat on him until opening morning. Some good areas to walk away from the roads and find bucks. Watch for rattlesnakes though. Need OnX to make sure where you’re at too
How did it go?
As I mentioned in a previous post, my boys (5 and 7) are finally old enough to tag along on a hunt so I have decided to cash in my WY antelope points. I currently have 5 points and do not have a problem going into the special draw since we are already planning on being in the Grand Tetons the first half of the trip. I have been looking into Unit 72 and 73 since I would have good odds in the special draw. I am on the fence which unit to put as first choice. 72 only has 700 tags this year compared to 1200 for 73 but it looks like access is a little better in 73. Both appear to have similar success rates and I am sure we'll see our share of goats but I want this to been a great learning experience for the boys so I am not planning on holding out and burning points waiting for monster. Any recommendations on which unit I should lean towards? At this point I am using access as the tipping factor since everything else seems to look like it evens out. Well be hunting the opening week.
If you have 5 points I would put in for the regular draw save the cash and put in for a unit you will for sure draw. The extra money for special really doesn’t gain you much at that point level
Sorry, havent been on here in awhile. Had posted the results of our hunt, but for some reason it didn't end up on here. We had a great hunt. 3 of us killed average goats. One was just shy of 82 and one just an 1/8 over 82. Hunted the flats, hills and high treeline country....goats in all of it. Was a blast hunting goats in different types of terrain. One of my buddies I found out had hunted the unit the year before, so that helped a lot. I appreciate the help from here too. We had a great hunt. Thanks again!!
82” is far from average.
Sorry, havent been on here in awhile. Had posted the results of our hunt, but for some reason it didn't end up on here. We had a great hunt. 3 of us killed average goats. One was just shy of 82 and one just an 1/8 over 82. Hunted the flats, hills and high treeline country....goats in all of it. Was a blast hunting goats in different types of terrain. One of my buddies I found out had hunted the unit the year before, so that helped a lot. I appreciate the help from here too. We had a great hunt. Thanks again!!
Congrats and nice to circle back here.It never happened if no pictures. Come on man, post ‘em up”

This is not a bad place…hang around and participate over the long term?
Great job!! I really enjoy hunting that part of the country, it has been really good to me.
Thanks for the write up. Really trying to decide between 73 or 75. We have the points for 73 in the special but probably a year or two away from 75 in the special.

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