PEAX Equipment

Scope mounts for Ruger#1

Couple photos with the scope mounted with my 275 next to it. Straight edge shows alignment of the traditional mounts. Scope on the 300 HH is a vx5 3x15x44 so it’s a 30 mm. Scope on the 275 vx3hd 3.5x10.
Lining things up the front slot on Pham rail aligns with the traditional location of Rugers regular mounts. True for both front and rear. The rail appears to have just a little more adjustment than off set rings, an extra 1/8 of an inch at best. Certainly Paul knows exactly how much and I’m one of those guys you give a measuring tape to and I’ll cut a 2x4 twice and it’s still too short.
The base he made for me extends over the receiver just a little, If you need more adjustment than that he could extend it a little farther as well.
I’m also able to use 30mm low rings with the 44 mm tube. Could get away with using a 50mm and still use low rings.
This rifle never liked to shoot top velocity loads, basically a hot 30/06 with 180s. Paul stuck a new barrel on it and “improved” on my bedding job. I’m still learning.
That group is looking like I’m on the right track as I’m still breaking in the barrel. 180s at 3001fps.
Looks like it's going to be a shooter! Was that 100yd?
No problem! Shoot your deer and bring it over!! Better yet bring an elk and we'll cut steaks, back straps and then grind the burger and vacuum pack it all. I get half.
After my wife's half, then you get half...
Caribou Gear

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