Kenetrek Boots

Zinke to Resign

Yup, us some of us "Liberal activists":rolleyes: will probably end up having to swallow a little more acidic vomit with our shit sammich'es.
Oh well, think I'll clean the action on my Semi auto Benelli Montefeltro:D.
It's so difficult not fitting an accepted mold..............
I recall a thread regarding whom DOI Sec would be... I recall posts specific to the concern over who would be placed as the DOI Sec... Unable to find it. The search string is cluttered with Spartacus Booker style Mark threads so... I recall off hand someone sharing how Zinke would be the better of the choices - how this cycle came full circle...

Was this to me? If so, I believed at the time and still believe Zinke was the best choice out of potential candidates. I believe he is better than the next stooge we get in that office.

I fail to see how me acknowledging he made his own bed is correlated to my past or present opinion of him.
Was this to me? If so, I believed at the time and still believe Zinke was the best choice out of potential candidates. I believe he is better than the next stooge we get in that office.

I fail to see how me acknowledging he made his own bed is correlated to my past or present opinion of him.

Schaaf, it was not directed towards you. It was a common post related to the comments made by various active HT members that I do not recall specific names. The irony behind this Mark Spartacus win - vs whom may be the new Trump appointed DOI Sec will be interesting. From my position, Zinke was the best of the options available.

I respect opinions shared unlike others. You agree / disagree - cheers for your opinion. Some feel their opinion is God's spoken word - others laugh within PM's though... (And no, this is also not directed towards you)
Shhh... Don't be a party pooper, NHY.

Obviously you missed the part(s) of this conversation in which most everybody expressed less than an enthusiastic and optimistic outlook on this deal, Sytes. Not much in the way of celebratory posts. Also not a lot of winning for anyone involved.
When does all the winning begin.........................
We could have done much much worse than Zinke, particularly under this administration. I'm more worried about who the replacement will be.
And if that isn't good enough you can download your own "in the field" portrait.
Yup. If folks had seen the original list they would have chit themselves. The hunting organizations were allowed to veto a lot of the really, really, terrible nominees. Compared to those others nominated by the transition team, Zinke at that time, not yet being connected to the news of these issues that have resulted in his resignation, looked like a ray of hope. It is for that reason his nomination was supported/endorsed across a wide section of groups, from BHA to SCI to RMEF to B&C to TRCP and many others.

If those prior candidates are re-nominated and one of them is approved, onpoint's quote above will be an unfortunate reality. Think of pro-transfer industry lap dogs like Cheney, Labrador, McMorris-Rodgers, Ivory, Noel, and brace yourself for one of them as a possible DOI Secretary.

God help us if the appointee is CHENEY. She's pro industry and drill baby drill just like her draft dodging old man.

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