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Zinke linked to real estate deal with Halliburton chairman

Point taken:

Jennifer Flowers versus Stormy.

I need a like button...and now we're talking.

Once again someone on the trump administration carrying on with drill baby drill no matter the consequences. Zinke figures he may as well line his and his wifes pockets along the way. Typical shady deals going on under false pretenses of a park.
It's amazing how many here are ok with it because, well it's the republicans doing it.

Every brush has 2 sides, yours seems to only paint in 1 direction though...
"Nicely done Loretta"...signed, Willie Jeff ..I mean as long as we're are talking about impunity.;)

He did not have legal relations with that woman!


Reminder once again - we had to have this clown car of an administration because Hillary was going to do the same thing, just with fewer kids in cages.
Good reporting. That’s media doing its job. I don’t see a direct threat to public lands from the article, but I hope the media continues to do its job.