Zinke says he opposes the selling of public lands, but he wants them to be transferred to the state. This has been explained time and time again as a round about way of selling public lands because the states cannot keep them.
It was very specific in the Stewardship - the land would stay federal, our land would stay ours. Not a fraction of it can be sold.
This is the way I see it... Extreme right, protect the rocks and pebbles from displacement and extreme left Give to states to sell it all to Wilks and friends.. (Exaggeration on both accounts though it shares the common theme)
Then there is a reasonable compromise that specifically states the land stays ours and outlines the specifics to aid our states. Outside of flatlanders, Lincoln county, as an example has BOMBED employment wise due to the crap toads who crush our legal system with frivolous crap. Our forests in Region 1 are sooooo slammed tight, it is hard pressed to sling an arrow more than 15 yards without hammering a tree. Renewable resource shamed! Loss of employment MASSIVE! We have damn logs routed from Canada because we can not find some means to thin our forest while respecting REASONABLE environmental needs.
I believe it is vital to the future of our land that wee have Quality Republicans who openly buck the GOP platform position. Empower those who support - those are the ones who can plant the seeds for our children's future. We keep "toeing the line" so to say down partisan lines.... I believe we will cause more harm to our future generations.