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Zinke confirmed

Nemont, I knew there was one from Jan. - American Health Care Reform Act of 2017 and 1275 was new. 1275 states: To eliminate the individual and employer health coverage mandates under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, to expand beyond that Act the choices in obtaining and financing affordable health insurance coverage, and for other purposes.

H.R. 277: To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and related reconciliation provisions, to promote patient-centered health care, to provide for the creation of a safe harbor for defendants in medical malpractice actions who demonstrate adherence to clinical practice guidelines, and for other purposes.

Periodically there are similar bills that compete/crossover, sometimes they get merged.

I was pointing out the juvenile superlative absurdity of the title. Almost like something out of SNL, but no, it is real.

edit: Damn, I didn't realize there were so many (this only half way down the search page) . That's a lot of spaghetti flying.
H.R.1408 - To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and to amend title 5, United States Code, to offer Federal employee health benefits plans to individuals who are not Federal employees, and for other purposes.
H.R.370 - To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, and for other purposes.
S.106 - ObamaCare Repeal Act
H.R.175 - ObamaCare Repeal Act
H.R.314 - Health Care Choice Act of 2017
H.R.1072 - Obamacare Replacement Act
S.222 - Obamacare Replacement Act

But I digress from the threads discussion - Zinke's confirmation bringing about Gianforte and Quist's special election.
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I agree, not so balanced. The bulk of the time was spent on Quist. While they admitted that Gianforte also did not have the governmental experience, when you spend more time comparing Quist not having it, compared with other Democratic candidates, such as Curtiss, it stands out. They did not bring up the other republican candidates who also ran and also had governmental experience, like current Sen. Buttrey, in relationship to Gianforte.

And while mentioning that a super Pac just ran an ad against Quist, right after he was nominated, they played the ad, free air time against Quist.
I agree, not so balanced. The bulk of the time was spent on Quist. While they admitted that Gianforte also did not have the governmental experience, when you spend more time comparing Quist not having it, compared with other Democratic candidates, such as Curtiss, it stands out. They did not bring up the other republican candidates who also ran and also had governmental experience, like current Sen. Buttrey, in relationship to Gianforte.

And while mentioning that a super Pac just ran an ad against Quist, right after he was nominated, they played the ad, free air time against Quist.

Sally did seem a little upset that the Dems over looked 2 experienced women and selected a rookie male candidate. MTPR could very well be in the tank for Gianforte because of this.
So,I do have tin foil ,but no hat.
Now we are past the R&R shitshow,the filling the swamp with GMO swamp monsters,etc, the PR signing of an Exec.Order on gutting of EPA ,etc yesterday that will take 44 long steps & committees to start,nothing .
Zinke has been silent with the exception of photo ops with the extraction execs at a big table and a background pic of him with some coal miners worshipping the orange jobs clown....what?
Is this the sign I was worried about on lip service to Sale or Transfer of Public Lands & full speed ahead in background, by those highly qualified execs of oil & gas, before the masses realize their orange dream is a con man and they are left with a tiny thing in their hands...
What is the general take on Zinke so far?

Personally I'm glad the Demoncrats didn't touch my guns & I live where I do,have no kids & I'm retired.

Another? Outside of back in the states & town hall meetings and the ass chewing my Rep. Pearce got from us on the Public Lands Sale or Transfer answer we got,why has not one reporter or talking head on a show mentioned the PLT when they had Chaffitz the Putz on stage or who ever? Not one yell out at a press conference?

Kept quiet for the same reasons? Ram it & there it is, gone drilled ,mined,logged before we know it and in the hands of the few?
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