Caribou Gear

Zinke confirmed

I sincerely hope Montana doesn't give this seat to an anti public land republican. There's enough of them. When you vote please consider the likelihood of threats. Our guns are in no way threatened, VOTE FOR PUBLIC LANDS.

Yes, Yes, and Hell Yes.
Quist had my vote until his gun registration remark. now he's just another elitist that wants you to live exactly how he sees fit. at least now I'm willing to consider who I'll vote for, when before there was no question it wasn't going to be Gianforte

I don't like Gianforte for all the obvious reasons.

What a choice.

For all practical reasons Quist is probably the better choice and ultimately I'll probably vote for him. I do now question his intellect however. He knows and we all know that gun registration is a fantasy only adored by a fringe. Whether he believes it or was just pandering to the Curtis element of the D party he surely alienated more people than he attracted.
He did a hell of a job of writing a perfect one-liner campaign add for Gianforte

Regardless of whether he believes it, wants it or was just pandering it was poor judgement to say t out loud by someone who wants to be a serious candidate in Montana.
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I don't see a problem with gun registration and I probably own as many or more guns than a lot of folks do, but I'm in the minority in that opinion in Montana and that's fine with me. I do have a big problem with the GOP and their BS legislation so some (hey look at me) self proclaimed rugged individuals can carry without a permit and carry into the Post Office to pick up their mail.. I'll go to my grave believing that is stupid, unnecessary, and ridiculous. Will that cost him the seat, I hope not, it didn't cost Bullock the Governorship, but considering the dope he was up against he should have won in a landslide. If Montana voters keep supporting these macho talking gun nuts then they better get used to the assault on their public lands continuing because it will, and it will never end, EVER. Just my opinion.
I agree.

As a proud owner of pistols, rifles, shotguns, and BB guns, I don't have a problem with registering them ... just as I don't have a problem with FWP having my personal information to issue me a hunting and fishing license ... and I don't have a problem with the DMV knowing the VIN numbers of my vehicles. Get over the gun control paranoia until it's real. It is merely a ploy to separate your money from you and to turn you against good political candidates.

If you value your public lands, support the candidate who was there in the Montana Capitol at the public lands rally ... Rob Quist is the guy!
Did Gianforte say that and if so, where/when?

This was from a town hall meeting in Boulder, Montana last year. This is a picture of an article from the Boulder Monitor. I think Gianforte will try to spin it as transferring management, not ownership. "Local Authorities" is a very mysterious contingent.


Though I don't agree with gun registration, I can see why someone would fall on that side of the issue. It's just one of those hot button issues that we've been told is a big deal for so long that people obsess over it and waste energy commenting on it while entirely ignoring the erosion of our rights on other fronts. Say Quist is for gun registration. It ain't happening, and wouldn't change much, so I'm not gonna spend any time worrying about it.
Quist had my vote until his gun registration remark. now he's just another elitist that wants you to live exactly how he sees fit. at least now I'm willing to consider who I'll vote for, when before there was no question it wasn't going to be Gianforte

I don't like Gianforte for all the obvious reasons.

What a choice.

For all practical reasons Quist is probably the better choice and ultimately I'll probably vote for him. I do now question his intellect however. He knows and we all know that gun registration is a fantasy only adored by a fringe. Whether he believes it or was just pandering to the Curtis element of the D party he surely alienated more people than he attracted.
He did a hell of a job of writing a perfect one-liner campaign add for Gianforte

Regardless of whether he believes it, wants it or was just pandering it was poor judgement to say t out loud by someone who wants to be a serious candidate in Montana.

This... Well said. I fear Quist and the D's just gave the seat to anti land Gianforte. Hopefully people consider the issues facing... "gun registration" will not grab traction especially considering executive, legislative and most likely judicial in the future is R controlled. However our lands ARE in jeopardy for the exact same reason... The R platform to transfer/sell our lands.
Pre "gun registration" comments Quist had a chance... Now that he disenfranchised some voters that will not see the probability factor of any anti firearm as zilch... He has my vote though the D's have to get their act together... Loss of multiple seats, loss of the electoral in strategic areas, disenfranchised union workers... You guys and gals need to stop blaming everything and everyone else for your losses and start evaluating your base and future strategies. Or... blame away... as to be expected.
All I can say is does your gun control paranoia in a senate and presidency that will not pass gun control outweigh the onslaught of anti-public land bills currently in congress? Trump isn't going to allow gun control, so vote for public lands. Sportsmen need to not contantly let everything else go by because we always vote for the scare tactics of gun control. At what point does a party owe you more than that? Honestly if that is all that's keeping you from voting for Quist I would vote Quist. You are in no danger of this congress or this presidency passing measures of gun control. This would however send a clear message that it takes more than being good on guns to get your vote. At some point the GOP has to be held accountable on this issue or nothing will change. Replacing Zinke with someone who's going to advocate transfer and get elected on that platform is not the way to send that message.
Did Gianforte say that and if so, where/when?

Well, I had copied and pasted that line directly from the article Kat had linked above. It was one of several items that he reportedly said related to public lands, I believe from the convention where he was given the nomination. The article had referenced a Q&A, with public lands being one of things he was asked about. However, I just revisited the article and it has been substantially changed from yesterday; the entire paragraph about the public lands questions has been removed, and responses from Quist's spokesperson about the election have been added. Any help from those who know how to get these things back out of the internet black hole?
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I don't believe in gun registration but I don't base my vote on views that have no chance of being implemented. Quist will be in Bozeman on Thursday at the MSU SUB. I will do my best to make sure the question of registration is answered. Again, I think he was referring to "assault weapons" and not all guns.
It boils down to a vote for someone who clearly supports PLT or vote for someone who uttered a dubious remark about an ambiguous gun registration opinion.

"Drain-the-swamp" Gianforte (I don't even know what that means.) versus "Protect Montana public lands" Quist. It's that simple and it's your choice very soon.
It boils down to a vote for someone who clearly supports PLT or vote for someone who uttered a dubious remark about an ambiguous gun registration opinion.

"Drain-the-swamp" Gianforte (I don't even know what that means.) versus "Protect Montana public lands" Quist. It's that simple and it's your choice very soon.
Drain the swamp, yeah, right. Gianforte is the freaking creature from the black lagoon.
I will be voting for Quist more than likely, but I don't believe he has a chance in hell to win. Hopefully I am wrong though.
Last night I listened to the interview Quist did in Missoula, this is where the Chronicle gets some of it's article from.

At the 55:21 mark he gets asked about the 2nd amendment. A caller comes on at the 1:00:19 mark talking about people confusing the 2nd amendment with hunting, not asking a question, but making a statement. I transcribed Quist's full statement below.

I was raised in the ranching and farming community, we, having firearms was a way of life for us. Every young man and women, I should say too, that's part of our culture, learn respect for firearms, you learn the proper care and how to keep them in a safe manner. It's a time honored tradition to bring meat home to the table and I've done that many times, so that is something I will defend.

As far as assault rifles, that type of thing, I think, those aren't meant for hunting. (One of the two interviewers asks - How do you describe an assault rifle?). Something that you can fire more than several rounds per second. (Interviewer asks - 3 rounds per second?) I would say more than that. (Interviewer says he has a .22 that does that and he would hate to think it would be viewed as an assault rifle) Here's the thing, I learned on a .22 single shot, so you learn how to get one good shot in. If you can shoot 10 rounds a second, that to me, that's not sporting.

I think a lot of this narrative's driven by gun manufacturers. I think that this whole paranoia that Obama is coming to take your guns, who benefits from that? ...Consider the source, when someone says or does something, what is the gain, what is the skin in the game? The other phrase is that old Watergate, Deep Throat phrase, 'Follow the money.' If in this narrative, people say that Obama's coming to get your gun, where's that coming from? And how does that benefit them? Well I think when people are paranoid, that people are going to take their guns away, what do they do? They go out and buy a whole bunch more guns. Who benefits from that?

(Commentator asked his stand on assault rifles to get to another caller) Well I think they should be, it's like cars, you should have a license to drive a car. You should have a license to own those types of firearms."
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Quist has to win or the future for our public lands and the hunting heritage I've enjoyed for over 50 years will be but a memory, much sooner than l ever envisioned. But don't worry about GG, he will never have a problem finding a place to recreate and hunt and fish, your children and grandchildren might however.
I listened to the Quist / Talk Back Missoula - and Quist's gun stance will probably mature a bit over the course of the next couple of months.

GG was scary during the Governor race - his stance on PLT isn't the only reason I won't vote for him in any office.
I will be voting for Quist more than likely, but I don't believe he has a chance in hell to win. Hopefully I am wrong though.

Do more than be a voter.

Be a volunteer for him.

Knock on doors, deliver yard signs, make phone calls.

Scratch him a check.

You don't have to be passive. Be active in recruiting your friends and family. We all have to start being active at some point, maybe this is your time.
I listened to the Quist / Talk Back Missoula - and Quist's gun stance will probably mature a bit over the course of the next couple of months.

I agree. I was pleasantly surprised by Quist's perspectives on a number of subjects. His reasoning and thought process shows that he is open to learn, doesn't view himself as having all the answers, willing to ask questions and entertain other's perspectives and experiences. I was impressed.
Last night I listened to the interview Quist did in Missoula, this is where the Chronicle gets some of it's article from.

At the 55:21 mark he gets asked about the 2nd amendment. A caller comes on at the 1:00:19 mark talking about people confusing the 2nd amendment with hunting, not asking a question, but making a statement. I transcribed the full statement below.
Thanks Kat - he is clearly talking about fully automatic weapons. Stupid for him to give the Swamp Creature that sound bite.