Yeti GOBOX Collection

Zinke confirmed

Sec. Zinke signed a few secretary orders yesterday with the following organizations attending: the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Boone and Crockett Club, Wild Sheep Foundation, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, National Rifle Association, Safari Club, National Wild Turkey Foundation, Archery Trade Association, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, American Recreation Council, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, and National Marine Manufacturers Association.

Did you see it? SFW! I look at the official signing photo and don't see anyone suspicious.


However, further investigation shows a series of official photos including this gem:


Who's in the middle of the photo? Don Peay of SFW. The fox is in the hen house. My hope for Zinke has deteriorated.
Sec. Zinke signed a few secretary orders yesterday with the following organizations attending: the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Boone and Crockett Club, Wild Sheep Foundation, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, National Rifle Association, Safari Club, National Wild Turkey Foundation, Archery Trade Association, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, American Recreation Council, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, and National Marine Manufacturers Association.

Big tents are good. Good on em and I wish him the best.
I'll support Mr. Quist with enthusiasm, I would have done the same for Amanda. Both are 1000 times better than the creepy billionaire Jersey Boy in my partisan opinion.
I'm pretty darn disappointed with the D's right now. I'm neither an R nor a D... i voted for Zinke over Juneau however have ZERO desire for Gianforte. I certainly don't want Gianforte to take the seat for MT however the D's more or less passed yet another pro public land seat opportunity to a transfer / sell our land Jersey Boys.

What under the big Sky smacked Quist on the noggin to push for such "register guns" agenda in MT... ??? :W:
Come on Quist!!! Y'er not running for a California seat... this is MT! Extremely disapointing.
Newspapers do such crappy interviews it is hard to tell what Quist meant, but he didn't do well by saying that. Methinks that question will come up again, and again, and again... On the R side Buttery would probably crush anyone by just being himself, but the Rs decided on the New Jersey creep who now says he will channel Trump cuz The Donald is such an awesome role model these days. I wonder if that strategy will pay off.

It will be an interesting 78 days. I don't know about you, but I hear banjos.
I don't see a problem with gun registration and I probably own as many or more guns than a lot of folks do, but I'm in the minority in that opinion in Montana and that's fine with me. I do have a big problem with the GOP and their BS legislation so some (hey look at me) self proclaimed rugged individuals can carry without a permit and carry into the Post Office to pick up their mail.. I'll go to my grave believing that is stupid, unnecessary, and ridiculous. Will that cost him the seat, I hope not, it didn't cost Bullock the Governorship, but considering the dope he was up against he should have won in a landslide. If Montana voters keep supporting these macho talking gun nuts then they better get used to the assault on their public lands continuing because it will, and it will never end, EVER. Just my opinion.
FWIW, I read his comment as meaning registering "assault rifles," not all guns. (And I fully understand assault rifle is a vague meaningless term.)
I sincerely hope Montana doesn't give this seat to an anti public land republican. There's enough of them. When you vote please consider the likelihood of threats. Our guns are in no way threatened, VOTE FOR PUBLIC LANDS.