
You're givin' me a heart attack!

The docs are puzzled why a healthy man has chest pain?
The doctors should take into account all the wolf lovers with bigfin voodoo dolls and sharp pins.:D
Get well soon.
Glade to hear all is well, scary stuff. Take it easy on your goat hunt. There will always be next year to run down the big boy.
Thanks for all the kind comments, guys. Very much appreciated.

I hope tomorrow I find a Wyoming pronghorn big enough to give me some heart palpitations, though nothing too worrisome as to bring back any short-term memories.

Given I am not allowed to lift more than 10 pounds or walk more than 500 yards (no up hill stuff until after Friday), my options seem rather limited. But, we will make the most of it, somehow, some way.

Mostly, very thankful to be heading to the sage hills with a Hunt Talker, Stillkickin, and chasing pronghorn. About as good as it gets.
Does Stillkickin have an external defibrillator in his pack?? :) Make sure you have your ground blinds packed, as I'm sure the doc would approve a little "sitting in the shade" while you are waiting for your TV star to show up.
Does Stillkickin have an external defibrillator in his pack?? :)

No defib machine, but he has a bottle of nitro pills and a pair of alligator clips on a jumper cable that says, "Left nipple, Right nipple."

His wife makes him carry those wherever he goes, given his cardiac is worrisome. He runs around with an aortic aneurysm that the cardiologists want to wait for a bigger event before removing. He is thinking of running an ad on Craigslist, asking if there are any cardio care people willing to travel to Central Wyoming for the next week.

I have promised Mrs. Fin that I will use 2% milk in my Starbucks lattes and will downsize my semi-weekly blizzard from a large to a medium. After all, a guy has to make sacrifices. ;)
I have promised Mrs. Fin that I will use 2% milk in my Starbucks lattes and will downsize my semi-weekly blizzard from a large to a medium. After all, a guy has to make sacrifices. ;)

And you claim to have low cholesterol? Just kididng. Take good care of yourself. I bet you aged Mrs. Finn about 20 years with this stunt!!!! :D
Good luck in Wyoming and take care of yourself man! I watched one friend die of a heart attack a few years ago, it wasn't pretty. He was way younger than you, and probably in better shape. File under "Not Recommended".
Good luck in Wyoming and take care of yourself man! I watched one friend die of a heart attack a few years ago, it wasn't pretty. He was way younger than you, and probably in better shape. File under "Not Recommended".

Thanks, Carl. Duly noted. An experience like you mention, gives me further caution.
Must be contagious, Randy. Got a text yesterday morning that one of my hunting partners, Wally, had a heart attack in the morning and was in ICU. Sounds like he'll recover, but heck, we were just chasing bulls in Arizona last week! I'm betting his diet and exercise routine will take a dramatic turn.
Must be from all the stress of single handily causing the wolf hysteria here in Montana. :)

Take care of yourself and have a good hunt.
Glad you are doing well. Just checked in after being gone a week. I'm not too far from Central Wyo if you need help packing. I better clarify - I'll help pack antelope out of the hills and would prefer to not have to pack you! I'm a wimp and Mrs. Fin wouldn't be too happy if we had to 1/4 you to get you out.....................

All joking aside, glad you're alright. Might make me go analyze my diet and exercise program a little better.

- Cade
Sucks to hear this news and what you've experienced. However, I think this is an opportunity for greater awareness and how you manage/overcome it. You have a lot of supporters.

Stay strong!
Thanks for opening our eyes Randy. I hope a very large timid antelope awaits at the business end of your rifle.
Glad to hear your ok Fin....first the deer hunt now this...take care of yourself and like someone posted much as it pains us listen to your wife...she know does mine.....:cool:
Glad your okay!

I had a similar experience this summer. Chest pains, I'm 36, eat a clean diet, exercise, run, all that stuff. I went to see my doc after dealing with the pain for a few weeks. He did an EKG, told me to get to Wake Forest Baptist Hospital asap!

Long story short after several tests and several $$$ and wearing a heart monitor for 30 days I found out I have an irregular heart beat that I've probably had all my life. My doctor compared me to a volkswagon beetle, he said my motor is in the back, not normal but it works okay and there is nothing wrong with my heart.

My chest pain they said was coming from stress and anxiety. My doc said he could prescribe some anti anxiety meds but I told him I would rather not start that. I want to try to deal with stress better my self first.

Support & prayers from family and friends is HUGE during difficult times!

Glad you're okay Randy, hope everything continues to go well!

Always enjoy your show and the website!
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