Caribou Gear

You're givin' me a heart attack!

Reminds me of the article that Boddington did in Peterson's, "the buff that almost got me" or something like that... Get well soon!
You're to young for this crap! You're making me feel old now! LOL Take it easy and get better (listen to your wife more often). We all need some good hunting shows on TV next year...and we all know there are very few out there!
Wow, that's a shocker, Randy. I'm glad it cleared up as much as it did. Um..., sometimes its a good thing to listen to our better half's concerns. :)
Glad to hear you are okay...just remember I am a nurse in the ED, I can help you in times of need, as, say a guest hunter. No, seriously glad the cath was clean. Stay healthy.
Thanks for all the kind comments. Greatly appreciated. One big take away from this is what a fool I was without realizing how stupid I was being; the risks I was taking without even realizing the risks.

The cardiologist and all the cardio nurses gave me a serious lecture today. It was probably needed.

Most people who take the gamble I did by delaying my trip to the ER are not so lucky. Most have an attack their body cannot handle. They end up with permanent heart damage, or worse.

I deferred the ER trip, not wanting to be a burden to others and having made some obligations to people that I would get somethings done that day. If I was one of those people who had a worse event, I would have been a major burden to those then needing to take care of the things I was no longer capable to doing.

Stupid, no doubt. Or at least, ignorant of the risks I took. But, I really had not thought about it that way, until the stern lectures I got.

If any of you have chest pain, don't do what I did. When I took the dog for the trot that morning, the pain was so strong, I wondered if I would get back to the house. In a worse event, I am not sure anyone could withstand the pain to allow them to get themselves to help. Hard to state what level of pain it is. I always thought it would be indigestion type pain. Nope.

Mrs. Fin has read these threads and thanks all of you for helping in her efforts to kick some sense into me. She read every one of these to me, laughing and in some instances, saying, "See, told you so." You guys are right, as was she.

I will rest this weekend, traveling home tomorrow. Sight in rifles on Monday, then heading to Wyoming on Tuesday. I had meant to hold out for a really nice buck on this hunt, but given all that has transpired, I suspect my mobility forces me to lower my standards some.

Given the events of this week, just being out on the windy sage grounds of Wyoming, chasing these great animals, is enough to make me grateful. It will truly be a hunt to remember and give thanks for, no matter what I hang my tag on.

Yes, Mrs. Fin, when you read this, you will see that I admitted how you were right and I was wrong. That is not grounds to take my coffee card and DQ rewards card from me.
Hey Randy, glad to hear everything is ok. Good luck on your antelope hunt, and take it easy or you'll be in more trouble

Legit,or not,this thing is still a warning sign to pace yourself.This racket you are in sounds glamorous but I wouldn't want any part of it myself due to the stress of running the business.You are a big boy(bigger than me,haha),not going to hen peck,...those of us that know you don't give a crap about BigFin the celeb, we would rather look forward to future shared hunts.Just sayin.
Glad to hear your feeling better Randy. Sounds like you had a close call, perhaps Mrs. Fin needs to go with you to make sure you take it easy chasing antelope? I wonder if Bayer Asprin would sponsor a hunting show?
And pay attention to the femoral plug. 14 years as a volunter EMT, I have hauled 2 patients that the plug "came out". It takes about 10 minutes for all 7 pints of your blood to run down your leg and on to the bed sheet. It's ugly and the results of running your heart empty is not very desirable. Stay alive, where would we be without this forum?
Geez.....Good to see you are doing good. Listen to your body next time.....It was trying to tell you something. Good luck on your pronghorn hunt.