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Your Opinion Please

2nd Amendment

New member
Dec 1, 2002
Southern Rockies, New Mexico
Doing a gut check here. I am an attorney, and my client has a situation and just wants some opinion from the "everyman". His estranged wife's boyfriend has been giving my client's 13 year old daughter "hello" and "goodbye" kisses on the lips. I am appalled. Other attorney say this is "normal" behavior. What say you? If you were going through a divorce and your soon to be ex's boyfriend was kissing your 13 year old daughter on the lips as a means of "affection" would you be offended?
Doing a gut check here. I am an attorney, and my client has a situation and just wants some opinion from the "everyman". His estranged wife's boyfriend has been giving my client's 13 year old daughter "hello" and "goodbye" kisses on the lips. I am appalled. Other attorney say this is "normal" behavior. What say you? If you were going through a divorce and your soon to be ex's boyfriend was kissing your 13 year old daughter on the lips as a means of "affection" would you be offended?

I'll give my opinion its really simple.
your client needs to goto the x-wifes house and put a bullet in the guys head, then you need to defend him.
The x wife needs to be gang raped and left on the street
the other attorny lawer needs to be shot and then hung by his balls until they fall off.

its really simple you dont mess with KIDS or you get KILLED.

if you dont think I am serious I will give you the name of a sherriff who saved my ass from going to jail and keeping me from killing a minister. I was with in 1 mile of his house ;)
Yeah, he doesn't really sound like someone the daughter should be around.

It is the wifes fault, she should see that as a no-no. She should not be with that dude.
The boyfriend has no business being around the teenage girl.

#1- Teenagers are very impressionable and any grown man must be very guarded around them for both the child's and their own protection.

#2- This reflects very badly on the mothers ability to judge character. You didn't implicitly state that an affair was involved but it sounds like it was. If that is the case it already says that the boyfriend does not respect bounds of a commitment between two people such as marriage, what should make the mother think that he won't break his own commitment to her? Even so far as satisfying himself with her daughter.
I'm with Del on this one.

If he is doing that chit, think of what he is doing when ex-wife isn't around. Probably don't even want to imagine. The longer it festers, the worse it gets. As it progresses to the next steps, if it has not already, he will use the mental games of "Don't say a word or......" and who knows what else.

If you have ever interacted with a woman who had that kind of stuff going on when she was a youngster, you know that her life will never be the same. This is ruining her life, and even if it stops, it will be baggage she carries with her in all future relationships.

The ex's boyfriend is exercising his will, to satisfy his sick weakness. If it were my daughter, the dude would be needing doctors (or morticians). I have no problem going after a puke who is ruining the life of an innocent young person who is really helpless in to do much that will change the situation.

I hope the girl makes a claim against him. Her making a claim against him will get more attention from authorities than her dad arguing with her mom about the pervert mom is shacked up with.

If it continues, or gets worse, you may have a defense case on your hands.
Prolly messed up.

Now, 2nd A, I spent 6 minutes mulling that answer. You owe me a tenth of your billable hourly.
Yup, him getting her to be comfortable with a kiss on the lips in front of mom is the groundwork for what he can pressure her into when mom is not around. That is NOT okay.

Hello and goodbye kisses on the lips by a girl's father at the age of 13 though it may not be apalling, it would make me cringe a bit to witness. Make it a man w/o a blood relationship kissing a 13 yr. old girl and it isn't even close to the line in my opinion.
Yup, him getting her to be comfortable with a kiss on the lips in front of mom is the groundwork for what he can pressure her into when mom is not around. That is NOT okay.

Hello and goodbye kisses on the lips by a girl's father at the age of 13 though it may not be apalling, it would make me cringe a bit to witness. Make it a man w/o a blood relationship kissing a 13 yr. old girl and it isn't even close to the line in my opinion.

if it was the father he would get 2 bullets in the head.
I mean come on kissing a son or daughter on the lips thats just bad news it doesnt make any difference what age the kid is. but a 13 year old is the worse thing ever.
I've witnessed varying degrees of affection in different families as a kid and as an adult. I think a kiss is one of those things that could be appropriate or inappropriate depending on various circumstances. In 2nd Amendment's case it's pretty cut and dry, but between a father/mother and son/daughter I think it's a little harder to judge the level of appropriateness unless you witness it.
The only problem, as my ex-wife (before we divorced) pointed out to me one time concerning my twin daughters...they will need their father, perhaps even more so. You will do no good for her in jail. I put the gun away and called the cops. I would call the cops on the guy. Get it on record. Tell your client to talk to his daughter.
never even considered doing that to my step daughter. hug and a kiss on the cheek were more than enough. this guy is looking/asking for trouble. cut IT off now.
Got new for ya, the mother is using the 13 year old as a way to hold on to whatever kind of man she can get. And this kind of behavior may have gone on with her at that age so she is comfortable with it. I guess she wouldn't kiss him if his balls were sewn to his lips. John
I agree that a step father kissing a 13 year old on the lips is a no no.

On the other hand, my three year old granddaughter Kelsey, jumps on Pappy's lap and kisses him on the lips, I am not uncomfortable with that. IF she was in her teen years it would be a problem, and I wouldn't permit it.

I wouldn't change her when she was in diapers because I didn't think it was appropriate for a Grandfather to be looking at his grandaughters private areas. My wife says, there is nothing wrong with that, but it just didn't seem right to me. Is that strange??
The situation with the client is WAY wrong, I will agree with the others on that! However, I'm with Spitz on the affection shown between a parent and a sibling.