How to say goodbye...

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Thanks all. it was a rough afternoon; I picked up the little one from school and officially shared the news that we had a date and time. She took it really hard; so hard that she didn't want to finish her ice cream. Felt like my heart broken in a million pieces just telling her. What's so tough to explain to an 8 year old is that "being alive" and "living" are two different things. Trying to explain that AB isn't herself and going through some stuff was tough, but I think I got through to her.

As the adult making the decision to do this now, the second guessing is the worst part. For any of you who have had a relative with dementia, I liken this decision and situation much the same. The lucid days give you so much hope, but you have to view them through an objective lens. Are the lucid (or energetic days for a pup) the norm or the exception? But damn, those good days really make you wonder.

Appreciate all your kind words. There is no way to make this easier, and its never not going to hurt or make me sad to think about... but just like being a parent, being a dog dad you have to put the pet's needs first.
I thought I made the mistake of opening this thread, and ripping the bandage of losing my own dog a couple years ago. I've had some great dogs but none even close to her.
The pic of your daughter pretty much tore me up.
So sorry for yoir loss, and hope the best for you and your daughter.

Mistake? No I guess I needed to let myself reflect and remember.20171002_115940.jpg
It pains me to even write this, but after 13 amazing years with my beloved Annabella, I have to say goodbye this Friday morning. As much as this hurts me to do, I know it's the right time and what is best for her. As hard of a time as I am having, I am really scared of the impact this will have on our 8 year old daughter. These two have imprinted on each other and I am convinced she only hung on in the last few years because of our daughter. She saves all her energy for her.

In light of having 2.5 days to spoil the hell out of her, I was wondering if anyone had any advice or lessons learned from their experience of saying goodbye that they'd like to share - especially if you have young kids. my daughter is being extremely pragmatic, but we all know that can be a shield against real feelings. So if you have any advice or things you wished you would have done differently before you said goodbye, would be good to hear them. Because at this point, I am overwhelmed with emotions and definitely not thinking all that clearly about her last days. Other than getting her burgers, steaks, etc.

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It's tough, feels like the greatest betrayal, but you don't want them to suffer. Took me a couple years to get a new dog after having to put the last one down after a long life, just like you I have kids and that was their dog, had her since she was a puppy.

Best thing I can tell you is kids are resilient and they will recover faster than you do. Time heals all wounds.
So we've been back and forth on this, but ultimately decided to do it at the vet for a few reasons. First, my daughters ultimately vetoed it, saying she didn't want to constantly have to walk by where AB died. Second, AB loves the vet, always has, so we wanted it to be a place she loves going to. Third, my vet has been with AB forever and AB loves her, so I wanted the last people around her to be people she knew and loved and loved her (and not a random individual)

We will allow my daughter to be in there until the very end, if she chooses to.
Very good, I can tell that there is a lot of love in your family - great job dad.
Always tough... I'm saddened for you and your family.

We have our past dog collars mounted on our leash bracket. It may be tough to do at this juncture though it's a good way to remember the great memories while taking our new four legged family member(s) out for a stroll.

These threads always pull the dusty eye syndrome though we continue to open them. It's one of the few united fronts humans share, or so it seems.

I wish you the best with your family/daughter.
Here we go the tears are flowing again. I have a whole line up of food dishes, they get retired very time.
Damn. Sad to read this. You’re making the right choice unfortunately. It never feels that way, but looking back you’ll know it had to be done.
Something I saw once is to keep ashes or a tuft of hair to then take and scatter at a special place for you and your pup. I’ve got a hair tuft I’m going to take and place where my childhood dog (Lilly) had her best day retrieving ducks. Just haven’t been able to Make that trip yet.
Thanks to everyone that reached out and had kind words, our sweet Annabella passed away peacefully surrounded by all of us and the vet she loved around 923. And just for hilarious Annabella measure, she was stubborn as hell and needed a second full dose in order for it to work 😂😂😂 She fought til the end and then unleashed an epic fart. She turned the worst possible feeling / moment into a comical one as only she could; softening the blow as only she could.

She was at the vet 3 weeks ago for standards shots and weight 77 lbs, today she weighed 83 and the vet took a look at her underside and thinks a mass started to grow; causing a bunch of her problems. Good to know she won't be suffering anymore. She was the happiest of dogs right up until the end and her last meal was dog food and elk tenderloin.

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