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You might only get your news from Fox If:


New member
May 23, 2016
Hardin, MT
DISCLAIMER: This is intended to be somewhat light hearted, so please don't get butt hurt over it. I also invite anyone to do MSNBC threads (or replies to this thread) because while I know what confirmation bias is, I don't necessarily recognize it in myself:p

Some signs you might only get your "news" from Fox:
1. You still think the birth certificate was forged.
2. You still think Obama was a Muslim.
3. You still believe that Obama took more vacation days than G. W. Bush.
4. You still think Obama signed more executive orders than G. W. Bush
5. You were ready to take up arms to fight Obama's U.N. forces when he declared marshal law, and tried to send his detractors to FEMA camps.
6. You still think Obama is actually a gay man.
7. You still think Michelle is a gay man.
8. You believe that there is an 8 year delay in the economic cycle, and that Clinton's prosperity was because of Reagan, Bushes collapse was because of Clinton, and Obama's prosperity was because of Bush.
9. You know that Michelle Obama wasted $1,000,000 dollars of tax payer money to go on a ski vacation in Colorado, but you are not aware that each weekend trip to Mar Lago costs us $3,000,000.

(Some of these things might have been made up by Alex Jones.)
Never got my news from Fox, Thank God! Morning Joe on MSNBC is the best there is IMO.
I used to "get the news" from John Stewart and The Colbert Repore. Now, except for FOX, all news is fake. Why bother.......
Although FOX's problem child Sheperd:confused:, did mildly amuse me recently:rolleyes:
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I haven't watched Fox since Obama, the elitist left, and the Clinton's legacy came to fruition....on Nov 8
I haven't watched Fox since Obama, the elitist left, and the Clinton's legacy came to fruition....on Nov 8

Fully smelling what you're saying, tryin' to come with a way to utilize "dudn't" without causing too much confusion........instead think I'll just watch the new "Planet Earth" like a good libtard;).
I think it'll be on one of those fake news channels.....
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No misspelling, but I did foolishly omit the word "up", between "come" and "with". You need to be more vigilant - certain people are depending on you.

Dammit, I forgot the smiley emojee or sarcasm font or - whatever-the-hell-you-call-it.

NHY, the winner by TKO.....
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Nothing invalidates a written piece or it's author faster than a misspelled or misused word. The author of your piece thinks "martial law" is a law penned by or declared by someone named "marshal" or by the local "marshal".
My father always said that "ignorance is bliss". This country is awash in blissful people.
I get a majority of my news from Fox News, but I don't relate to any of your points, sarcastic or not. Its a shame that we are letting this PLT issue become partisan. Being a registered Republican and a conservative (Which means saving what has proven to be beneficial for our country) and where the term conservation comes from, doesn't mean being an idiot and following in lockstep with the Utah delegation and others of like mind and walking over a cliff with them. Politics is not a suicide pact. My job (Our) is standing up for what has benefited our country (Public lands and access to them) and letting all of our representatives know where I (We) stand and make them realize they are on the wrong side of history on this issue. If they don't get the big picture and see the forest for the trees so to speak. I don't need to alienate the majority of the public by being partisan. I'll take help from all sides of the political spectrum who believe in our heritage of public lands and open access. FWIW. GJ
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You might only get your news from Fox if:

You actually want to hear the truth, instead of libtard babble.

None of your points have anything to do with Fox News.
news channels are entertaining , just good for comic relief

Agreed. Fox News is apologists for the current operation as much as CNN was apologists for the past eight years. Just a different tone and subtlety to how they communicate to their core audience, most obvious when you examine what each group sees as newsworthy/not newsworthy.

If both of them focused on actually reporting news, with even a small belief that every newsworthy story has two sides that should be explained, rather than just the one side that fits their audience bias, we would all be better off.

I find current TV news akin to professional wrasslin'. Both the wrasslin' and TV news business models need a person who is a good guy to one group and a bad guy to the other group. That is usually defined as entertainment.