You might only get your news from Fox If:

I get my news from the only unfiltered unbiased source available.

....our very own inimitable Agave Times Herald

*choose your icon
I get my news right here on HT. I don't believe there is any other unbiased news. At least here both extremes are represented.:)

Yep, there are many anti 2'nd amendment, welfare loving, LGBTQ advocating, animal rights folks on HT. Lotta' leftist wackos on here owning fair numbers of guns and displaying dead critters on their living room walls....... Relative scale is an interesting phenomena..
Agreed. Fox News is apologists for the current operation as much as CNN was apologists for the past eight years. Just a different tone and subtlety to how they communicate to their core audience, most obvious when you examine what each group sees as newsworthy/not newsworthy.

If both of them focused on actually reporting news, with even a small belief that every newsworthy story has two sides that should be explained, rather than just the one side that fits their audience bias, we would all be better off.

I find current TV news akin to professional wrasslin'. Both the wrasslin' and TV news business models need a person who is a good guy to one group and a bad guy to the other group. That is usually defined as entertainment.

But wrasslin used to be a little bit believable. Loved watching Vern Gagne and the Crusher every Sunday morning.
I watched the hideous Trump circus last week and I know what I saw and what I heard because I'm an educated human being. When I listen to the news and their reporting of that event and it is reports exactly what I saw and heard that is news. When it reports the exact opposite of what I saw and heard that is not news, simple as that. Morning Joe got it right, no bias just fact.
Catron Courier for my local news. I read about 4 or 5 others.From all over & all over the spectrum.

Grandpa said a wise man looks at many sides to an issue and then decides on what is right & true. For himself.
But then again I was raised with a moral compass.

I watched Fox for 5 minutes,the morning angry hottie in a skirt less than what Beyonce wears & another couple for a bit this morn. lol Didn't hear a whole lotta real questions,facts or answers.
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SBhooper, you are right, it is not about Fox. It is an attempt to get us to reflect on our own blind spots. I went on a rant to my children several weeks ago about fake news. Fake news is when someone reports on Beyoncé or Kim Kardashian and tries to make us think it is important information that we can't live without. Everything else is either true or false. I hate the fact checking sites that categorize statement as "mostly true". There is no such thing. Is a woman at 8 months mostly pregnant? Tar Heel, thanks for pointing out the spelling error. I knew it didn't look right. Glad I wasn't submitting this to high falutin fancy kind of magazine fer the intellectual elites. I noticed that I probably gave people the impression that I can probably only name 49 of the 50 states when I spelled Mar-A-Lago wrong too.

So, if you see a report that aligns with your preconceived ideas does it occur to you to fact check that as closely as the reports you don't like? I admit that I did not fact check the $3000000 figure, and it came from a pretty left wing source that I usually take with a grain of salt.
So when we're watching the clown show that is the trump administration and the incoherent drivel that comes from his own mouth on live tv, we should not believe it?
So when we're watching the clown show that is the trump administration and the incoherent drivel that comes from his own mouth on live tv, we should not believe it?

The blur between truth and fiction, even while one is witness to the event. It's working, things are falling into place nicely for the Donald........

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