
You might only get your news from Fox If:

FOX news has been proven THE source. Donald, president of the most powerful country in the world, a man with very significant intelligence resources at his tiny little fingertips - Tweeted (the other most reliable news source) he got his info on the Swedish crisis from a FOX "documentary".

His vice Donald, related about the "Flynn -falling-on-his-sword" issue.... paraphrase "I'm disappointed the facts Flynn relayed to me were inaccurate"

The believers will keep believing, the haters will keep hating, and the 0.1 % will keep smiling........
Just an observation and no disrespect intended. Seems that several of our left leaning hunting brothers reside in Montana. Curious if you guys are native to the state or moved from other areas? Always thought of MT as a pretty conservative state. I'm from Texas and on some hunting forums down here. A few liberal hunters on the forums I frequent but not near as high a percentage. Just something different that I'm curious about. Full disclosure, I lean more conservative but like to hear viewpoints from different thinking folks.

Born here in 1955. Pro Union, anti Right to Work, own lots of guns, hunted and fished all my life because that's how I was raised. Was a member of the NRA until 1984 when Reagan and the James Watt Sagebrush Rebellion solidified in my mind the NRA and Ultra Conservative Republicans were the enemy of common sense sportsmen and gun owners. The more radical they become the more moderate or even left leaning I become.
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And when he pointed out Trump lied about the inaugural crowd size, the largest electoral C victory in history, that the crime rate is the highest it's been in 47 years, that Trump inherited an absolute mess, or any of the hundreds of other lies he's told on a daily basis. You can bury your head in the sand and choose not to believe he lies his ass off but at least Joe S. tells it like it is. That's just a fact as painful as it is to you.
Have another glass of the kool-aid there buddy.
Not even 1 example of something I said as not being factual? Have another drink of Kool-aid that's it? I can see this discussions going no where so have a good day.

I fell like we're drifting father apart here. We need to sit around the fire, and let our inner animals speak to each other, then have a drum circle where we discuss our feelings and hopes.

Bring the usual attire, you know, spandex shorts and loinclothes. Sandals must be from natural materials and no gluten or factory meat will be allowed in the circle of manstruation.

I fell like we're drifting father apart here. We need to sit around the fire, and let our inner animals speak to each other, then have a drum circle where we discuss our feelings and hopes.

Bring the usual attire, you know, spandex shorts and loinclothes. Sandals must be from natural materials and no gluten or factory meat will be allowed in the circle of manstruation.
Someone needs to take the whiskey bottle away from Ben before he hurts himself!
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Not even 1 example of something I said as not being factual? Have another drink of Kool-aid that's it? I can see this discussions going no where so have a good day.

Have another glass of the kool-aid there buddy.

Hey guys, this was intended to be a light-hearted thread. If you can't see it for what it is, don't participate.

I fell like we're drifting father apart here. We need to sit around the fire, and let our inner animals speak to each other, then have a drum circle where we discuss our feelings and hopes.

Bring the usual attire, you know, spandex shorts and loinclothes. Sandals must be from natural materials and no gluten or factory meat will be allowed in the circle of manstruation.

When did you buy the Creedmoor?;)
The media certainly hasn't done itself any favors in the last 10-15 years with the rise of the 24 news cycle, now with a President attacking all of it it will be interesting to see if the biased reporting subsides a bit for more neutral least these rose colored glasses I wear are comfortable.

I'll take a pair of those as well please.

I fell like we're drifting father apart here. We need to sit around the fire, and let our inner animals speak to each other, then have a drum circle where we discuss our feelings and hopes.

Bring the usual attire, you know, spandex shorts and loinclothes. Sandals must be from natural materials and no gluten or factory meat will be allowed in the circle of manstruation.

Can we sing Hakuna Mantata around the drum circle as well?
Just an observation and no disrespect intended. Seems that several of our left leaning hunting brothers reside in Montana. Curious if you guys are native to the state or moved from other areas? Always thought of MT as a pretty conservative state. I'm from Texas and on some hunting forums down here. A few liberal hunters on the forums I frequent but not near as high a percentage. Just something different that I'm curious about. Full disclosure, I lean more conservative but like to hear viewpoints from different thinking folks.

Our legislature just tonight held a hearing on an issue, that while taking place in MT, has implications and impacts on all Americans that use federal public lands. It just so happens that we Mt'ers live here and these public lands are a part of us - an intrinsic part. Transplant and native "left-leaners" showed up to oppose this legislation.
In order to keep this light.....
Folks allover the country can thank us left leaning MT brothers (and a pretty fair number of sisters) for showing up for all of you - we're actually pretty unselfish.
Oh yeah, and on topic - don't look for the hearing mentioned in this post to make FOX - it actually had merit.........
I usually confess to the charge of bleeding heart liberal, and it is probably in large part due to growing up on the Iron Range of Minnesota with a father who remembers the depression and gets very unsettled when the R's have the wheel. I have refused to be a part of the Democrat party for about 20 years, but I disagree more with the apparent intentions of the far right. I am a very conservative Christian, and nothing scares me more than the religious right.

I posted on another forum that part of the reason I want a government sponsored safety net is because children tend to do a really poor job of choosing parents who can make a good living and support them. When the right demands that we cut back on SNAP or CHIP, it is those children that take the brunt of it. Even as a bleeding heart liberal I can see that welfare in its current state is not accomplishing what we want it to, and I firmly believe that giving an able bodied adult a monthly paycheck without requiring them to expend some effort, either at a job (how bout weed control or trail maintenance) or acquiring a marketable skill does more harm than good. I have also observed that many people who claim to be pro-life are really just pro-birth, and would happily let the newborn suffer in poverty. Again, as a very conservative Christian, I believe that every abortion is a tragedy. I despise those who would use it as a form of birth control because they can't make good decisions.

The thing that concerns me most is the divide that has been created by the media and the politicians. I am willing to bet that if a conservative and a liberal were asked the same questions about what they want to see happen in our country, by and large they would have the same responses. We all want security. We all want prosperity. We all want to secure to ourselves the blessings of Liberty. My idea of how to get there is different than the conservatives idea. But if we hate each other, and have no respect for each other, then I will never benefit from your good ideas when mine have failed, and you will not have my good input when yours fail.

As for news sources, I don't care who you listen to as long as you listen with a critical ear and just take it for granted that you will need to fill in the rest of the story. When I saw the YouTube clip of the Fox news program talking about Obama's impending declaration of martial law I was flabbergasted. Who could believe such a thing? According to the narrative they have been spinning the last 8 years the military hated him, so who was going to enforce the order? That's when someone told me about the UN troops on standby. For the past 8 years people have been lamenting the destruction of America. It didn't happen. We (mostly) peacefully transferred power. I am not optimistic about the next two years, but America is not going to be destroyed in that time period, because as incompetent as I believe Trump to be, I really don't believe he is trying to destroy our country. Can he do a lot of damage through ignorance? Yes. But there is this system of checks and balances that is supposed to minimize the damage.

Let's agree that we are going to disagree on some things. If you want to cut the farm bill, take it from Monsanto and ADM, not SNAP and WIC. It's ok if you don't think that is the best course of action. I would like to understand why you think that way. Instead of burning 1.2 million a shot on Tomahawk Missiles, lets reduce the order by five or six of them and divert it to the VA so we can keep the promises we made to our young men and women who volunteered to defend our country and our liberty. Instead of letting the president deploy troops for up to six months, make congress do their job and authorize the actions.

We have a lot of problems facing us. If we can't restore some civility and mutual respect for each others intentions then we better have jelly in our pockets, because we are toast. The radical left and the radical right seem to have control of the parties, but they do not accurately reflect the values of the majority in the middle. We have to fight the greed that seems to be driving the public lands battle just as much as we have to reject the notion that the government needs to take care of me.

Sorry for the book I just wrote, but I feel a little better. Now I just need to figure out the next action to take to achieve the goals I have for my country.
Tkaldahl2000, you just ruined a light hearted thread by posting a perfectly reasonable post. :) Can't say that I disagree with any of it.

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