Yet Another Vortex Going in for Warranty

Had to use their warranty twice on the same scope. When it came back the second time I sold the scope without opening the box and moved on to leupold. Haven’t had an issue since. Wouldn’t mind trying some other brands in the future. I won’t go back to vortex though.
I have a couple budget Vortex, they have been okay but nothing spectacular. I only have a couple of Crossfire (on rifles I bought, package deal) and a couple of Diamondbacks, those are not bad. My spotting scope is a Vortex and that I really like.

As I can't afford higher end glass at the moment, have not invested in a Viper or higher model scope.

On the more economically priced scopes I have found Sig Sauer to be good for me.

I used to be a Nikon fan but have had an issue or two with their economical scopes.
I've had a pair of vortex 12x50 diamondbacks and no issues yet, now I hardly ever use them beings I have a pair of swaros and also a vortex razor spotting scope 85mm. Absolutely love it and I am not easy on it and no issues so far. I've kinda figured I'd have to use the warranty a number of times with stories I've heard but so far I've been pleasantly surprised how well its held up
Do you own more of one than the other?
5 years ago I would have had more leupolds. Today it’s pretty much a split. Just picked up a vortex razor hd lht for a great deal this year. Planning to compare to vx5hd
Hah! I recall the raspberries dished out to me on here about the new $99 (on sale Black Friday) Nikon scope that crapped on me in Africa two years ago. That was at end of August and it was back from them and on my gun in time for Montana hunting season. No issues since then in spite of some serious tumbles elk hunting this past fall. Would I buy another? Nikon stopped making scopes so it's a moot point. I probably wouldn't buy a Vortex given the long list of above complaints.
Couple years back i talked to a guy at vortex that said the vast majority of their scope return issues relate to people mismounting them. Honestly i have seen some crazy at home mount jobs on all brands of scope but especially budget scopes so i believe him. Didnt we just have a conversation about using tape on scope rings...
Couple years back i talked to a guy at vortex that said the vast majority of their scope return issues relate to people mismounting them. Honestly i have seen some crazy at home mount jobs on all brands of scope but especially budget scopes so i believe him. Didnt we just have a conversation about using tape on scope rings...
You mean like @ImBillT discussed with
Couple years back i talked to a guy at vortex that said the vast majority of their scope return issues relate to people mismounting them. Honestly i have seen some crazy at home mount jobs on all brands of scope but especially budget scopes so i believe him. Didnt we just have a conversation about using tape on scope rings...
Well, did you really expect him to admit his place of business does a crappy job of putting scopes together? I see way too many gun savvy guys above with way too many scope problems to believe it's mostly owner installation issues.
I've owned 2 Vortex products and currently I have 1 vortex scope, a 4.5-27x56 Razor Gen II. I got it for 60% off and I'm still not sure how good of a deal it was. It doesn't track. Each MOA is really 1.09 MOA. It's repeatable at this so its not a huge deal now that I know its 1.09 but it was frustrating to begin with.

That said, Ever single critter I've shot at has tipped over when using this scope.

The other Item was a vortex 4000 rangefinder. basically a useless product as the laser was not pointed anywhere near the reticle.
Couple years back i talked to a guy at vortex that said the vast majority of their scope return issues relate to people mismounting them. Honestly i have seen some crazy at home mount jobs on all brands of scope but especially budget scopes so i believe him. Didnt we just have a conversation about using tape on scope rings...

You mean like using a bubba torque wrench on them? 60lbs of torque and then wonder why things went wonky
You mean like @ImBillT discussed with
I’m telling you, those paper towels filled the gaps between the rings perfectly. You couldn’t even have lapped them that good! Nothing wrong with how I mounted that scope.

I should have tried calling Vortex though. That scope was probably made in the same plant as a Vortex anyway.
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About 12 years ago I had saved enough money to buy spotter and binos in high end glass. Went to cabelas shopping I asked the gal if she would take my choices outside for me to look through. For me at that time the 20x60x85 razor HD was the winner for spotter. I have had zero problems with it. I don’t own any vortex scopes so I can’t speak to them. O yeah I did go with the Swarovski binoculars 🤷‍♂️
Cabalas had their black Friday sale with 10x42 Viper HD binoculars at $299.99. I bought a pair and didn't check them prior to my wife opening them. The right lenses had a defect inside. I returned it to Cabalas to get another pair. The lady said you can send them in, and they will replace them. I told her YOU can send them in I want a new pair from you. They mailed the replacement directly to me. This pair seems good so far, the glass is clear, and adjustments are fine.
Time will tell how they hold up.
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