Yep, tresspass fees!

God I hate poor people.

I am so with you on that one; You, Me, and KYRob are on the same page.... Like Peas and Carrots.....

Is there anything worse than seeing poor people hunting or thinking they are going to get lap-dances with singles....... The American Way is all about the Benjamins!!!!


  • 2010-08-04 10.14.42.jpg
    2010-08-04 10.14.42.jpg
    55.7 KB · Views: 536
I may ruffle some feathers here but there seems to be way to much of the "Us VS Them" mentality in hunting. I am fortunate to be able to afford to go on quality guided hunts and to buy land to hunt on. Many people who hunt are not able to do this, but they should not be critical of those that can. Nobody gave it to me. I had to earn it and that is the American way. As for JC's comments I am one of those top 2% and I pay more than my fair share of taxes every year. If the tables were turned I am confident that JC would feel differently. In fact the top 5% of the wage earners pay the vast majority of the taxes in this counrty and with the alternative minimum tax there are no loopholes.

Your right you did earn it and you do pay a higher taxes. What gets most guys pissed including myself is people who are able to afford to go on guided hunts or pay a trespass fee have a tendency to flaunt it in a way like you did. I'm sure there are guys on here that can afford what you have but you don't hear them talking about it. I'm one of those poor hunters, no matter how hard or long I work I cannot make more money without congress approving it or I have the time in grade to test for my next promotion. I have been shot at, had IED's go off next to our vehicle, been away from my family for months on end; I could go on and on. I've earned the same rights you have however, I don't get paid like you would. I WOULD NOT HAVE MY LIFE ANY OTHER WAY OTHER THEN NOT DEPLOYING! Congrats on your success, just don't flaunt it. You'll just piss people off.

Words mean things........

Thanks for the laugh Jose. Made my day.
And welcome to HT, KYRob.:D:D:D

JC, next time you might want to dab on a little more ky.
Thanks Montanadogs

Thanks for your response. If you know anything about me you could rest assured that I was not flaunting my financial situation. I was simply trying to point out that everyone in this country has opportunity and that is what makes America great. I also made the point that a small percentage of the population pays the majority of the taxes and many people do not realize this. It is what it is and I would rather pay less but then who wouldn't It sounds like you are or were in the military and I have the highest respect for anyone that serves our country. My son is also in the military and I could not be more proud of him. Is he going to make a lot of money in the military? No, but he will learn valuable skills that will help him in other professions. You are correct when you say that the government determines what your pay scale is going to be but there are also many opportunities once your military career is over. People join companies or start businesses once they get out or retire. There is still plenty of opportunity out there but one may have to move to a different area or look at other types of work. As far as trespass fees I see no problem with it. It cost a lot of money for these ranches to operate and any additional income is likely welcomed. Several of the other posters mentioned that they were willing to help the rancher out in exchange for hunting rights and that is a great way to gain access. That is much easier if you live closer to the area that you want to hunt. I appreciate the dialogue and it is good to hear different points of view.
And welcome to HT, KYRob.:D:D:D

JC, next time you might want to dab on a little more ky.

Jose unselfishly advocates for HT'ers by improving the odds for the monthly OYOA drawings...via new member attrition.:D
Trespass Fees

Thought I would chime in on my first post. Trespass fees are up to the idvidual. I prefer not to pay if I can find public land to hunt. However; there are some locations where that may not be possible. A hunting partner and I pay to lease two holes in the ground at a duck club to hunt ducks.

It seems to me as a non-resident I am paying a tresspass fee to hunt on public land when I have to pay New Mexico, Wyoming, and other states a very high tag fee for the opportunity to hunt on public land.
It seems to me as a non-resident I am paying a tresspass fee to hunt on public land when I have to pay New Mexico, Wyoming, and other states a very high tag fee for the opportunity to hunt on public land.

Boy - to get to the heart of the matter, if your comment doesn't ring true... aside from state sovereignty. Agree Fire - there is a valid relation between trespass fee's and "non-resident hunts" when looking at us as "Americans"... versus the bs "Native Montanan's, Arizonians, New Mexicoians, Wyomians"... etc.. Haha! Cheers!

KYRob, I did not take your response as flaunting your personal financial success. I took it as an observed response to the banter of anothers post... Cheers on your last comment - and of course to Montanadogs, your son - my KIA uncle and all those who have friends and family who are/were involved in our armed services, cheers and thank you.

I don't like the idea of harbored PUBLIC wildlife on private land and paying trespass fees to hunt public wildlife... though also respect landowner rights... I believe there should not be prefered landowner "special" tags... nor the ability to LEASE hunt contracts for the purpose of taking PUBLIC game.
IMO, (and this is my petty HUMBLE opinion) If a landowner wishes to have people OTHER than immediate family hunt PUBLIC wildlife on their land, they need to work with state game and fish to provide the public access. Whether it be via Block Management - some form of landowner liability free protection, maybe a state resident insurance / bond to insure safe and respected use of landowners property... Work with the focus of landowner interest primary and regulated drawings to access the public game.

Ya, probably not a favored action for landowners - though we are talking about the taking of PUBLIC game... Landowners should have all the rights to do anything they want on their land - LESS privately enabling select people (aside from immediate family) to take the PUBLIC'S game...

The public has "stock" in the game regarless their location. In the mean time, I'll hunt high and low on public land and arrange bartering options with ranchers/farmers for access... HOWEVER, a great rancher that leased his land to an outfitter last informed me, he was bound by contract to not allow anyone else access to his land during the season's the outfitter held his lease... $$$ does talk... that makes it tough when dealing with public game.
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:W: KY- my apologies, I just now re-read what you 1st posted and I read it differently. That is what I get when I get on for the short time I have for lunch. My initial reaction was wow, look at this guy. But I was wrong. :eek: But there are still those guys who do flaunt that stuff, not necessarily on here. (IMO the only guys who can and should flaunt while on a guided hunt is those that can afford to got to places like Africa, Australia etc. I don't think I'd last one day in those places) I'm still in and I am planning on retiring from the AF in oh about 10 more years. Your right that everyone does honestly have the opportunity to live their own "American dream". Hopefully by investing my money smartly I can have mine one day, not that I'm complaining about my current setup. Your absolutely right about a small percentage of tax payers pays the majority of the taxes, my parents are one of them. I'm a Montana native (from the Flathead valley area) and I was finally able to get back this awesome state. It's changed a lot since I joined the service. I was never really able to get back home when until now. Most places I used to hunt there is a house or the forest service, plum creek, etc has sold off the land to developers. Landowners have the right to do what they like with there land. They are the ones who put the blood sweet and tears into it. Why shouldn't they? If you can't afford to hunt it most of the time you can work something out with them as far as you work for access or as styles puts it barter for access.
I remember some years ago when I helped a farmer whose trailer had fallen from his hitch. While talking I told him I was a hunter and he related to have many large whities on his property. Over the following 4 years I took a bunch of fruit and vegies to him and his family and finally, after 4 years I got up enough guts to ask. I guess they don't like fruit.
Thanks for the posts

Thanks Sytes and Montana,
I appreciate the feedback and agree that wildlife on private land is a publicly owned resource and I fully support game agencies working with the landowners to open up opportunities for people to access the land. Good luck with your AF career Montana. My son is hoping to become a pilot if his eyes hold out. Hope you both have a safe and fulfilling season this year. My youngest son got a cow elk tag for KY so I am really looking forward hunting with him in Dec.
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