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X Bullet loads

CH, X bullets tend to run at higher pressures than non-x bullets. Bach your loads off 5% and try them. Increase in 1/2 grain increments.

Thanks, Dan. I thought they ran to higher pressures. The jackets look like a different color, too - real copper vs gilding metal? Will they copper foul the barrel worse?

I have always been a traditionalist, I guess...prefering the "old" lead and jacketed bullets.
Cali...X bullets being one piece constuction have a longer bearing surface than a conventional bullet of a given weight therefore will have more resistence, causing increased pressures, that is why the 5% decrease is needed. Most times though will have the same velocity with less powder, again due to the longer bearing surface.

just my thoughts, AA
I don't know that foul worse is accurate. What happens is that the pure copper will accumulate worse on existing fouling. If you change to X bullets, you will need to clean your barrel thoroughly before you start shooting them. Otherwise, the existing fouling will start catching the copper and your trusted 30 caliber will be a 7mm in about 100 rounds. (That's a joke!)

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