Wyoming poacher loses license for 36 years/$30,000 fine.

Scum of the earth right there. Glad they caught him. Hopefully they keep an eye on him as he will probably do it again when things quiet down.
BuzzH, by comparison to most fines and penalties I would say it is severe enough. He will likely feel that fine pretty good in his wallet. $30K is a lot of money. Plus he will be 83 years old before being eligible to hunt again. Most likely he will be dead before then and even if he isn't I doubt hunting will be on his to-do list. So basically he got a good sized fine and his hunting and fishing privileges taken away for life. I'd say that's pretty severe.
Thats great, but, a guy like that will continue to break the law. . .I'm betting they will catch him again.
I must agree with Rat Junkey. And on top of that do you think he will actually repay that fine amount my guess is no and the state will spend tons of money chasing him to get it in the long run. But it sure is a good hefty fine and license suspension some may argue it is excessive. But any way that will raise some eye brows I think.
I don't think it's excessive, I think it's about right. Whether he pays or not will be between him and the local law enforcement and how much they make him tow the line. Hard to say whether he will continue to poach or not. Things like this do tend to put a guy like that in a glass house. Now everyone will be watching him. If he does poach again, I hope he gets caught and serves some jail time for it. I do know this much though, if I were prone to break the law, I'd sure be thinking twice if I were in Wyoming right now. Hopefully it has that affect on others as well.
That 36 year sentence he got will also be honored by all the other Wildlife Violator Compact states, which now numbers around 40!
Thats great, but, a guy like that will continue to break the law. . .I'm betting they will catch him again.


"Further investigation revealed Clark... never purchased a hunting license for at least six big game animals that he killed between 2010 and 2013.
Clark was charged with four counts of taking mule deer without a license; two counts of taking antelope without a license; illegal possession of elk meat; and two counts of illegal possession of mule deer meat. He was also issued warnings for illegal possession of raptor parts, and for theft/removal of a Game and Fish Department “road closed” sign. The Game and Fish Department did not take action on charges of trapping without a license, illegal take of a swift fox, or an over limit of trout that was also discovered during the investigation."

This dirt ball never needed 'hunting privileges' in the past to take game (I almost said 'hunt') or trap, or fish, or possess illegal raptor parts, or remove signs. He obviously has no respect for laws, rules, seasons, limits, personal property, other people, or especially critters.

But yes Big Sky, hopefully this will make him rethink his ways some. We watchin you!!
40 states is also good!!

<end rant>

"Further investigation revealed Clark... never purchased a hunting license for at least six big game animals that he killed between 2010 and 2013.
Clark was charged with four counts of taking mule deer without a license; two counts of taking antelope without a license; illegal possession of elk meat; and two counts of illegal possession of mule deer meat. He was also issued warnings for illegal possession of raptor parts, and for theft/removal of a Game and Fish Department “road closed” sign. The Game and Fish Department did not take action on charges of trapping without a license, illegal take of a swift fox, or an over limit of trout that was also discovered during the investigation."

This dirt ball never needed 'hunting privileges' in the past to take game (I almost said 'hunt') or trap, or fish, or possess illegal raptor parts, or remove signs. He obviously has no respect for laws, rules, seasons, limits, personal property, other people, or especially critters.

But yes Big Sky, hopefully this will make him rethink his ways some. We watchin you!!
40 states is also good!!

<end rant>

I'd personally be devastated if I lost my license and I think it is a big deterrent for a lot of people. Seeing someone lose their license for life will be a big eye opener for others for sure. But yes, if he doesn't buy a license to begin with it may not matter for him personally. However, I believe repeat offenders can get jail time in Wyoming now.
I'm aware that he apparently had a blatant disregard for the law. Like I said before though, now every knows and will be watching him a lot closer. If I were his neighbor and saw him walk out the door with a rifle, bow, or fishing rod, I would be on the phone to the fwp right away. Hopefully he has neighbors like that. Folks like this poacher are usually very ego driven (hence the posted photos on a social media page), therefore most locals should know who this guy is. Hopefully they watch him like a hawk. Sort'a like the one convicted pedophile we have in my neighborhood. That guy can't step outside his house without someone watching him.
Plus he will be 83 years old before being eligible to hunt again. Most likely he will be dead before then and even if he isn't I doubt hunting will be on his to-do list.

Most likely he will just go back to poaching
The best solution/deterent is jail time like others have said he didn't require/need a hunting license to take these animals. He may end up spending some time in jail if fines are not paid timely as set by the court after some paying issues occur. But truth is now he is going to be much more careful about what he does and more secretive but I don't think it will stop him from going into the woods IMO.

Guys like these poachers don't have the same mind set as you and I so it is hard to understand them because we don't think like they do. We understand we need that license to go enjoy a hunting trip and take game. Guys like this don't understand and never will he may get caught again eventually if he goes back to his old ways but it won't be so easy next time around b/c he has learned a lot from this I'm sure. Hopefully the local wardens can somewhat keep an eye on him but those guys are spread way to thin so that is not going to be an easy job.
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