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Wyoming NR General Elk Regions

The written comments were ignored, which I pointed out in my testimony.
That's a bummer I Commented on this as well maybe it's time residents start flooding the governors office with letters and phone calls. Never to early to start pushing 90 10 for deer elk and antelope.
"The Department had it wayyyyy more correct with the 13 regions, and then pivoted to 3 at the request of the outfitters, making the whole idea complete trash."

Like @BuzzH, I agree that the three-region General Tag for Elk is bad for game management.

So, how does this benefit the outfitters? Does it benefit NR too? How so?
"The Department had it wayyyyy more correct with the 13 regions, and then pivoted to 3 at the request of the outfitters, making the whole idea complete trash."

Like @BuzzH, I agree that the three-region General Tag for Elk is bad for game management.

So, how does this benefit the outfitters? Does it benefit NR too? How so?
NR's and outfitters are the big winners in this. The broken up regions force NR's to hunt 500 proposed tags for eastern WY which is a lot of private land. Tags will likely be easy to come by but land access will be gate kept by outfitters.

NRs benefit from the cap release. If there was the 7250 cap, and assuming the new draft proposal on their site stays the same, NRs would have only had up to 3000 or so NR LQ tags. With that cap removed, they will get more.

From G&F

(iv) Elk. Sixteen percent (16%) of the total available full price limited quota elk licenses plus the number of general elk licenses necessary to reach a total license limit of seven thousand two hundred fifty (7,250) nonresident elk licenses shall be made available to nonresidents in an initial nonresident drawing each year.
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NR's and outfitters are the big winners in this. The broken up regions force NR's to hunt 500 proposed tags for eastern WY which is a lot of private land. Tags will likely be easy to come by but land access will be gate kept by outfitters.

NRs benefit from the cap release. If there was the 7250 cap, and assuming the new draft proposal on their site stays the same, NRs would have only had up to 3000 or so NR LQ tags. With that cap removed, they will get more.

From G&F

(iv) Elk. Sixteen percent (16%) of the total available full price limited quota elk licenses plus the number of general elk licenses necessary to reach a total license limit of seven thousand two hundred fifty (7,250) nonresident elk licenses shall be made available to nonresidents in an initial nonresident drawing each year.
If I understand your post, you think with no more cap that NR get more LQ tags in the initial drawing? They don't. They always got 16% and that doesn't change. The change is the G&F can make region general quotas whatever they want. They could actually be lower, but current region numbers are an average of 2019-21.
So, how does this benefit the outfitters? Does it benefit NR too? How so?
I dont see the three regions benefiting the diy nr at all. It might benefit the outfitters on the eastern part of the state and the nr willing to hunt with them.

The western region is going to be the more desired area and there are lots of outfitters are going to be pissed when it takes 6 to 8 points for a NR to get a western general tag and they can't get the nr hunter easy. That's when the outfitter draw will rear it's ugly head again and straight 90 10 DEA should be the bargaining chip for residents.

Even though they lifted the cap look at the region deer areas when times are bad the nr tags get cut so they could very easily issue less nr tags if numbers drop.

Someone pushing this didn't think this through or they are banking on this helping getting a outfitter draw through in a couple years.
If I understand your post, you think with no more cap that NR get more LQ tags in the initial drawing? They don't. They always got 16% and that doesn't change. The change is the G&F can make region general quotas whatever they want. They could actually be lower, but current region numbers are an average of 2019-21.
Ok that's my misunderstanding. I think that makes it more confusing for me personally. I thought the 7250 caps was shared between general and LQ.
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Arizona publishes the ages of point holders. If we transfer this rough ratio to WGF, the majority of babyboomer point-holders will drop out of the WGF point scheme in about 4 years if they don't burn them.

What considerations is WGF making in light of decreasing the odds for NRs?

I read how property values in key places of Wyoming are soaring. In Jackson, they are building housing to attract WGF personnel since average people can't live there to support employment and infrastructure. This extreme case is anecdotal for statewide changes, but the state continues to have a marked trend of increasing population and real estate costs.

I realize the government is making stupid money from point buyers, but they will get used to this money and have a hard time adjusting for a budget shortfall when the baby boomer population says peace-out.
I realize the government is making stupid money from point buyers, but they will get used to this money and have a hard time adjusting for a budget shortfall when the baby boomer population says peace-out.

They will never have a budget shortfall. They will increase the prices and people with more money than you and I will buy them. Its literally that simple.

If govt agencies could sell the air we breathe to us, they would.
hey guys, september is around the corner and my bow is almost dialed in....

so yeah, still waiting on this thread to move past the region discussion and to just give me a juicy spot to go whack a bull on my general tag please
too late, just hosed one.

#mondobull #ruttinearly #keephammering #huntquietlybutstillposteverywhereaboutit

hey guys, september is around the corner and my bow is almost dialed in....

so yeah, still waiting on this thread to move past the region discussion and to just give me a juicy spot to go whack a bull on my general tag please
It's Wyoming general tag bulls around every corner didn't you know?
No, wilderness is required, it's where all the elk live and why Wyoming wants to keep non residents out of there except for the guided
You know I always hated that rule until my brother got his Wyoming residency a few years ago now I'm coming around.
So with the three regions in 2024, [500 (East), 1050 (South), and 2775 (West)] do you all think these numbers will move the needle either way for point creep?

It seems like it wouldn't since the proposed quotas reflect a pattern of previous season hunter density.
So with the three regions in 2024, [500 (East), 1050 (South), and 2775 (West)] do you all think these numbers will move the needle either way for point creep?

It seems like it wouldn't since the proposed quotas reflect a pattern of previous season hunter density.
Western and Southern regions will experience point creep. The Western region is far too large. Makes no sense to combine some of the mountain ranges in the regions. Standby for more changes and Outfitter whining.
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Yeah, I really thought the western region would have excluded the Bighorns with that big desert that helps keep the grizzlies away.

Then there's the special tag cost increase which should spike the regular, General tags.
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