Wyoming… I’m in a pickle

Hoping to pull a leftover cow tag tag to learn an area and hope 6 points will be worth something next year. It’s a gamble for sure but…
You can’t go wrong with that plan. Smart play in my mind. Scouting is what will make a hunt good
I will be running solo as well fall 2023 in Wyoming for elk, if I draw. I gave my brother in law my party id# and info to put in with me. Just checked my party id# and I'm the only one on it. My odds to draw are better though as my points are twice as many as his were. Time will tell.
So someone else leaked the info about increase in success of a party of 1?

I had heard rumors the WY drawing system felt bad for someone with a Party ID and only one participant. Similar to the reaction when a hostess yells out, "Party of 1, your table is ready", everyone around looks and with their inside voice says "I feel bad for that guy that has no friends".

Dine at the table by yourself, and make sure that everyone else knows that you enjoyed feasting on the fresh backstraps of elk while they were waiting all that extra time for their party of 12 (fake friends) table to open up.
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Last week I let my son's know I am in the draw solo, both are excited about the possibility that their old man could draw a tag. If I do draw it wouldn't be a stretch to say atleast one if not both would come along.
Make sure you get them a frame pack as a "gift" just in case you get one down. I enjoy being along for the ride and not worrying about the tag that is burning a hole in my pocket.
I’m in a worse pickle. Looking at my first western hunt solo. Another poster said it, if I waited on others I’d never go. I bet after a hunt or two my buddies come out of the woodwork to join the adventure. I also can’t draw crap with points, so random luck or backup cow is plan.
I’m in tan even worse pickle. Hoping to draw first elk tag, with my bow , going solo because nobody wants to go with me. Very limited knowledge but like the other person said. If you wait for others you probably won’t go….so I’m taking the plunge.
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