Kenetrek Boots

Wyoming G&F License Fee Increase

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
The Jackson Hole News-Guide had this op-ed today:

Wyoming Game and Fish has gone through two years of restructuring and cost-cutting. It now is time for lawmakers to support an increase in hunting and fishing licenses. They also should consider making the burden of agency health insurance and grizzly bear management part of the state’s general fund obligations. Legislators will consider two bills recommending those changes in the Legislative session that begins Monday.

As I understand it, most of Wyoming's sportsmen's organizations support the license fee increase. A recent poll was commissioned that showed a 63% approval rating for the bill.

WYSFW responded in the comments section with this:

Why should license fees increase? The House TRW Committee has asked for a prioritized list and for a cost/benefit analysis to be conduct on WY G&F Programs. Until such time as the G&F Department complies with this request, I believe our conservative House members are acting responsibly.
This article has a couple problems with it. First off, it does not take into account that the WY G&F Commission has already instructed the G&F Department to operate within a balanced budget. The G&F Department stated that they have more funds available now then they thought they would as a result of increased Pitman/Robertson & Dingle/Johnson dollars (federal taxes) have been collected and distributed back to the states. They are not running in the red as your article implies.
Your article also states that the national participation rate of hunting continues to decline is incorrect. While it has been in decline over several of the past few years, recently that trend has reversed itself.
Perhaps, rather than advocate for license fee increases you should be asking why more isn't being done to address the continued decline in Wyoming's mule deer

If you hunt in Wyoming, live in Wyoming or care about the future of the North American Model and the democratic allocation of wildlife, you should comment and let folks know you support the 10% fee increase.

If you want to contact legislators in Wyoming, you can do it here:

Bob's last line is pretty funny. Wyoming's mule deer have been hammered by poorly planned Oil & Gas development. Rather than work with other groups and try to mitigate the damage or advocate protections for Mule Deer habitat in the Wyoming Range, WYSFW partnered up with the Oil and Gas industry and refused to lift a finger to help.
As a past and hopefully future Wyoming NR hunter, I support the fee increase. WHile more money would be nice, I am leery of tapping the general fund - he who pays the piper calls the tune. We have enough trouble as it is now with non-hunter control of game and fish.

I'm not worried about the general fund money in this bill, although you have a valid concern/point.

My view, is that every other State Agency has their employee health benefits paid via the general fund.

Since the State wants their thumb on the G&F Agency, they should have to pay for that control. Further, the funding for that is NOT going into wildlife management, its paying for STATE employees health benefits.

Theres a very clear seperation with regard to how that general fund money is going to be used.
Having hunted in Wyoming as a non-resident nearly every year since 2007, I would not have any issue supporting the 10 percent fee increase. Since I mostly shoot does, what's another $3.85 per tag! I certainly have no issue paying an extra $20-$40 for my antelope and/or deer buck tags as well. I've always enjoyed the help and availability of both the biologists and the wardens in WY either via phone calls or personal contact in the field.
Four Antelope Does for about $165 as a NR? Pretty much a no brainer for me. $300 for a Cow Elk and I just paid $175 for a point in AZ. I'll keep paying till I'm too old at those prices.
Four Antelope Does for about $165 as a NR? Pretty much a no brainer for me. $300 for a Cow Elk and I just paid $175 for a point in AZ. I'll keep paying till I'm too old at those prices.

That pretty much covers it. Arizona will not get any more of my money, but Wyoming definitely will. Doe/cow hunts is all that I do, as I have zero use for antlers. I have no problem paying a little more to do it.
If you love it, fight for it.

Comments on news sites & notes to legislators are still a great idea if you haven't yet.
I would have no problem paying a higher fee. I love hunting Wyoming and everything about the experience. Whenever I've called the G&F line they have been pleasant and helpful, plus they have good public access. From my experience landowners have been decent. The communities have been good to NR, not only in my experience, but what I've heard from other people as well.