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Wyoming elk unit 23


New member
Dec 13, 2011
Has anyone hunted unit 23 for elk? I have 5 points and was thinking of burning them on 23. I know it is over 1/2 private land but there are some walk ins. I am willing to do archery or rifle. I was hoping somebody has ran into some elk while hunting antelope unit 72 or deer unit 89.
Never hunted it but have seen elk while antelope hunting and in the wintertime when they are in the flats, have talked to a few guys while dropping off animals at the processor that have taken elk there and a guy i knew took a 350 class bull in 23 a few years ago, he swore by that area! rattlesnake mountain HMA opens up alot of that private for you so i say go for it.
I hunted rattlesnake mountain for 3 days and couldn't find any fresh sign. Guys I talked to said if the elk are there you got them. If they are over the mountain on private land you need snow to push them onto public land. I also heard one of the ranches that was part of the HMA was sold so it may not be open next year. I have 5 points but going to different area next year
I had a cow elk tag. I hunted the last week of October. I walked around for 3 days and drove around 2 more glassing some of the walk in areas and filled some doe antelope tags. A guy I talked to from Colorado said they only saw a couple opening day.
I talked with a guy who got a small bull his 2nd week of hunting and it was right on the edge of public and private. I think I can find a better unit. I probably will go with a "special" to get something better. I want to use my points so I can go with a general tag and hunt with some friends every other year. Thanks for the info.

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