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Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

I’m sure it’s been covered somewhere in the previous 48 pages but how high do I need to pole vault so it’s not in his airspace? In all seriousness I’ve been contemplating a powered parachute.
Three things jumped out to me.
1. I really like their legal team (the hunters)
2. A $30 million mortgage!?
3. Why go away from Onx maps for the figures?
I’m sure it’s been covered somewhere in the previous 48 pages but how high do I need to pole vault so it’s not in his airspace? In all seriousness I’ve been contemplating a powered parachute.
I was thinking of starting a drone lift service. Text me from your public land corner of choice and the drone comes to you, lifts you straight up as high as is required for legal crossing, moves forward 2 feet, and sets you down on the adjoining public corner.
I was thinking of starting a drone lift service. Text me from your public land corner of choice and the drone comes to you, lifts you straight up as high as is required for legal crossing, moves forward 2 feet, and sets you down on the adjoining public corner.
One engineer to another-Gotta love that engineering mindset…show me a problem and I’ll find a fix no matter how crazy it sounds.

Where have you heard this before?

The Federal Government controls the land where the corner crossing happened. They also control the air space above the ground. How in the hell is a county/state decision going to solve the situation or problem? If everyone on here and on other message boards believes this decision helps them for access to land-locked Federal Public Land it does not. As stated, before the whole situation was handled wrong. The proper authorities were not there. Somehow it finally got there. Buzz I am sure you will take credit. Just to let you know we have a mutual friend in Wyoming. I have not talked to him in a year or so. He speaks highly of you. MY opinion differs. I will be sure to let him know on my next visit to please exclude you from it. I love how you patted yourself on the back on the Rokslide forum. You sir are TRULEY a piece of work. I only offered my advice based off of 32 years of Federal Law Enforcement experience. I have no idea of what you based yours on. Narcissist behavior, maybe? There were criminal activities executed on both sides that involve Federal land/Private land and the use of it. Also, do some more research on what Federal Law Enforcement Officers have the power to enforce if they so choose. By the way, 90/10 will not work. The population changes year by year. Giving residents more does not solve your problem. Money comes from non-residents. Revenue drives the train. Tags get reduced on the Biologist findings. Population drives the desired harvest. Low population less resident/non-resident tags. Makes the draw harder and does not leave them out of the game. Like you did? Revenue is the venue to manage wildlife for opportunity. You support KILLING that? Where is the money coming from if you get 90/10 established on all other game? Nothing better than killing an agency, I guess? Did you ever do research to see how many jobs will be lost? What do you have then? Help me with that? Embarrassing, yes. On who's part? Spend some time thinking on this Bud.

Here is your response to me.


Its getting embarrassing for you now.
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Seems like a brilliant move to get this into Federal Court. I am surprised the lawyers haven’t filed a counter suit as the hunters had great losses in loss of hunting, traveling and legal fees among other expenses.

”Along with the transfer of the case, the petition to the federal court also asks for a jury trial.”

Get a jury from Wyoming common middle class and this case would get a much fresher and balanced review than a Kangaroo court with a political bent DA from Carbon County.
I was thinking of starting a drone lift service. Text me from your public land corner of choice and the drone comes to you, lifts you straight up as high as is required for legal crossing, moves forward 2 feet, and sets you down on the adjoining public corner.
My sister has a drone company... let's make this happen
It will take a hell of a drone to carry any kind of load at an OGE hover at 10000 ft.
Seems like a brilliant move to get this into Federal Court. I am surprised the lawyers haven’t filed a counter suit as the hunters had great losses in loss of hunting, traveling and legal fees among other expenses.

”Along with the transfer of the case, the petition to the federal court also asks for a jury trial.”

Get a jury from Wyoming common middle class and this case would get a much fresher and balanced review than a Kangaroo court with a political bent DA from Carbon County.
The civil case is being argued to be transferred to federal court.
The criminal case is still in state court.

Where have you heard this before?

The Federal Government controls the land where the corner crossing happened. They also control the air space above the ground. How in the hell is a county/state decision going to solve the situation or problem? If everyone on here and on other message boards believes this decision helps them for access to land-locked Federal Public Land it does not. As stated, before the whole situation was handled wrong. The proper authorities were not there. Somehow it finally got there. Buss I am sure you will take credit. Just to let you know we have a mutual friend in Wyoming. I have not talked to him in a year or so. He speaks highly of you. MY opinion differs. I will be sure to let him know on my next visit to please exclude you from it. I love how you patted yourself on the back on the Rokslide forum. You sir are TRULEY a piece of work. I only offered my advice based off of 32 years of Federal Law Enforcement experience. I have no idea of what you based yours on. Narcissist behavior, maybe? There were criminal activities executed on both sides that involve Federal land/Private land and the use of it. Also, do some more research on what Federal Law Enforcement Officers have the power to enforce if they so choose.

Here is your response to me.


Its getting embarrassing for you now.
Dude… Stop.

Where have you heard this before?

The Federal Government controls the land where the corner crossing happened. They also control the air space above the ground. How in the hell is a county/state decision going to solve the situation or problem? If everyone on here and on other message boards believes this decision helps them for access to land-locked Federal Public Land it does not. As stated, before the whole situation was handled wrong. The proper authorities were not there. Somehow it finally got there. Buss I am sure you will take credit. Just to let you know we have a mutual friend in Wyoming. I have not talked to him in a year or so. He speaks highly of you. MY opinion differs. I will be sure to let him know on my next visit to please exclude you from it. I love how you patted yourself on the back on the Rokslide forum. You sir are TRULEY a piece of work. I only offered my advice based off of 32 years of Federal Law Enforcement experience. I have no idea of what you based yours on. Narcissist behavior, maybe? There were criminal activities executed on both sides that involve Federal land/Private land and the use of it. Also, do some more research on what Federal Law Enforcement Officers have the power to enforce if they so choose.

Here is your response to me.


Its getting embarrassing for you now.
Welcome to hunttalk 🤣
It will take a hell of a drone to carry any kind of load at an OGE hover at 10000 ft.
So most helicopters and small planes are trespassing?

To that end in the history of aviation has anyone every been charged for trespassing for flying over an adjacent property during landing or take off? There has to be thousands of flights everyday where plans are 50-100ft over private lands.
So most helicopters and small planes are trespassing?

To that end in the history of aviation has anyone every been charged for trespassing for flying over an adjacent property during landing or take off? There has to be thousands of flights everyday where plans are 50-100ft over private lands.
I feel like he was maybe referring to the drone service thing. Like you need a hell of a drone to lift a person at such a high elevation? I'm out of my depth here...
The civil case is being argued to be transferred to federal court.
The criminal case is still in state court.
It was argued in the Motion for Dismissal that Federal law preempts state criminal trespass law though it appears the Circuit Judge will hold trial.FE924C7A-91C2-41CA-9F19-48B6F59CBC9F.jpeg
So most helicopters and small planes are trespassing?

To that end in the history of aviation has anyone every been charged for trespassing for flying over an adjacent property during landing or take off? There has to be thousands of flights everyday where plans are 50-100ft over private lands.
I can tell you are a troll or have no concept of air density and aircraft performance.