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Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

I can understand both sides of the equation, it’s either a gift or curse to be able take my boots off and try the other guy’s shoe on for a mile.
If it is proven in court to be legal, the public will only need about 3-4 days and they will no longer care about access. This is because they’ll have SLAUGHTERED everything available, and then want to move on to the next big thing…

I just caution everyone to think about opening Pandora’s box. Would it be ok for me to build a ladder to cross over the top of your home?

I think you missed your calling as a comedian
I feel like the more apt though not perfect analogous question is something like:

"Would you be ok with your neighbor planting a tree on their property, from which at times leaves are blown off that float over your property, though never landing on it?"

Sure feels like when genuinely weighing the pros and cons, there is an obvious answer.
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I just caution everyone to think about opening Pandora’s box. Would it be ok for me to build a ladder to cross over the top of your home?

If I build my home on the boundary of checkerboard public and private and there is no way to access your public other than building a ladder to cross over my home then, absolutely yes it’s okay to build a ladder and cross over my home, your home, or anyone else’s home.
next he will sue the neighbors because there tumbleweeds are in his fence, and the snow blew the fence down
It would have been nice if they would have got a statement from landowner saying "The fact that they touched my airspace has not caused me any damages or concern. The part I am upset about is that they were able to hunt on public property."
Their, not “there”
Awesome. Fortunately, I knew what he meant so his contribution was duly noted and advanced the discussion, imho. Your correction did not advance the discussion, also imho. The question appears before me as be why you felt motivated to correct an adult behaving in an adult fashion while he is being a positive force on this website. I presume your motivation was not financial gain. I presume was not to make him feel good about himself. I presume was not to create food for you or your family. I am running out of ideas for why you felt the need to correct him.
Please do. I'll provide refreshments. My daughter could make tiktok videos.

Maybe I'd have to put a paddlelock on my airspace..
View attachment 222450
Interestingly enough, the lock and chain is gone from this corner, as Grende testified to in the criminal case.

After talking to the Missouri4 again, earlier this week, a couple things are clear to me:

1. It was the right thing to do setting up the gofundme and defending these guys, they are all good guys, salt of the earth hunters just looking to have good hunting.

2. They are incredibly thankful to all those that contributed to their defense. One of them still said it hits him, quite often, how those that contributed (and WYBHA) took a big chance on their defense.

3. They told us that there is a law in Wyoming that if you win a criminal case, your expenses (other than attorneys fees, of course) are reimbursed from the County Attorney. So, their expenses they incurred for having to travel to Rawlins for the criminal case, from Missouri and back home, are going to be paid and their attorney has submitted the paper work. They were also very clear that the money they receive for reimbursed travel expenses, will be going back into the gofundme account.

4. There is going to be a need for some additional funds for the civil case, although not nearly as much as the criminal case, because all 4 are being represented by one attorney.

5. Once that funding is deposited there will be and update with how the gofundme money was spent. Transparency is important to these guys.

If the civil case goes well, this could change things for hunters all across the West.

I want this one bad, real bad....
Awesome. Fortunately, I knew what he meant so his contribution was duly noted and advanced the discussion, imho. Your correction did not advance the discussion, also imho. The question appears before me as be why you felt motivated to correct an adult behaving in an adult fashion while he is being a positive force on this website. I presume your motivation was not financial gain. I presume was not to make him feel good about himself. I presume was not to create food for you or your family. I am running out of ideas for why you felt the need to correct him.
I wanted to be an English major when I grew up.
Interestingly enough, the lock and chain is gone from this corner, as Grende testified to in the criminal case.

After talking to the Missouri4 again, earlier this week, a couple things are clear to me:

1. It was the right thing to do setting up the gofundme and defending these guys, they are all good guys, salt of the earth hunters just looking to have good hunting.

2. They are incredibly thankful to all those that contributed to their defense. One of them still said it hits him, quite often, how those that contributed (and WYBHA) took a big chance on their defense.

3. They told us that there is a law in Wyoming that if you win a criminal case, your expenses (other than attorneys fees, of course) are reimbursed from the County Attorney. So, their expenses they incurred for having to travel to Rawlins for the criminal case, from Missouri and back home, are going to be paid and their attorney has submitted the paper work. They were also very clear that the money they receive for reimbursed travel expenses, will be going back into the gofundme account.

4. There is going to be a need for some additional funds for the civil case, although not nearly as much as the criminal case, because all 4 are being represented by one attorney.

5. Once that funding is deposited there will be and update with how the gofundme money was spent. Transparency is important to these guys.

If the civil case goes well, this could change things for hunters all across the West.

I want this one bad, real bad....

Please continue to update with any additional financial needs for their defense in the civil case. I don’t want to see them have to cave or not be able to mount a vigorous defense because costs are a barrier to their case.

I can’t pay it all, but I bet myself and hundreds more can contribute again if necessary.
Please do. I'll provide refreshments. My daughter could make tiktok videos.

Maybe I'd have to put a paddlelock on my airspace..
View attachment 222450
I've seen this picture a lot. For those of us who will probably never step foot there how do the property lines run? I'm assuming one is in line with that T post in the background? So the other would be 90 degrees to that?
I've seen this picture a lot. For those of us who will probably never step foot there how do the property lines run? I'm assuming one is in line with that T post in the background? So the other would be 90 degrees to that?

The chain between the two t-posts is to block people from stepping from public corner to public corner over the marker. Maybe i'm misunderstanding the question?

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