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Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

No, and why would a BLM Ranger not have jurisdiction over the land in question? The area in question is owned by them.

No- the BLM land is good to go. The two corners of EMR-owned private land is the land in question.
An different way to say it is the landowner is complaining of trespass on private property. A BLM ranger told me he has no jurisdiction to trespass anyone on a private land violation.
Correct. The ONLY way a BLM ranger can cite for state level trespass is if he/she has been deputized by the local
No, and why would a BLM Ranger not have jurisdiction over the land in question? The area in question is owned by them. The supposed trespass occurred between private and Federal land not county, state, or even private to private.

A crime has to have a victim. The BLM is not alleging trespass, the Elk Mtn Ranch is. Therefore the violation is of a state statute by allegedlly trespassing on the EMR. BLM rangers only have jurisdiction over violation of federal laws.

Federal trumps local and state. Why is the county even involved?

Because the violation of statute is at the state level and the sheriff is the primary agency to respond to this.

Seems all about money and greed to me. I guess the $1.32 per head the landowner pays to graze cattle and sheep on my land means more than the taxes I pay to the Federal Government to support the lands that he thinks he controls.

I’m not sure what grazing fees have to do with this?

Apparently, I will never have a chance to set foot on the land I pay for. Even if I only wanted to step into a pile of cow shit. Who is the EMR by the way?
Responses above.
Anybody have access to the 1997 BLM memo the Carbon County DA filed in her response to the dismissal action?

”Mayfield Davis entered as evidence a BLM memo from 1997 that says the department does not consider corner crossing to be legal public access, based on many of the same arguments.”

I did find a 2013 public release from the BLM office in Kremmling, Co which stated
”It is illegal to cross public land at corners. Some areas in the West are “checker-boarded” with public and private lands, or otherwise have sections of public land that are difficult to reach. When the only place tracts of public land touch is at a corner, it may seem like a logical thing to step over the corner from one piece of public land to another. Every year hunters armed with GPS units and maps give it a try. Unfortunately, it is illegal to cross at boundary corners.”
Anybody have access to the 1997 BLM memo the Carbon County DA filed in her response to the dismissal action?

”Mayfield Davis entered as evidence a BLM memo from 1997 that says the department does not consider corner crossing to be legal public access, based on many of the same arguments.”

I did find a 2013 public release from the BLM office in Kremmling, Co which stated
”It is illegal to cross public land at corners. Some areas in the West are “checker-boarded” with public and private lands, or otherwise have sections of public land that are difficult to reach. When the only place tracts of public land touch is at a corner, it may seem like a logical thing to step over the corner from one piece of public land to another. Every year hunters armed with GPS units and maps give it a try. Unfortunately, it is illegal to cross at boundary corners.”
The BLM is not an authority that can make a judgement on cc, one way or the other. It would be decided at the state level. Our local ranger laughed about this when I asked him why the BLM put this in some of their informational brochures.
Seeing as how the corner is a theoretical microscopic dot on the earth, one could extrapolate that portions of the corner pins (49.999999% by area) are encroaching onto private land.

I have found some pins in Wyoming while adventuring. Several of them have entire rock cairns built up around the pin.
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This whole mess just goes to show you large ranch owners run Wyoming and they know it.

Do you know how much land my boss owns?

Do you know how much money my boss has?

Using those vague threats to get a law enforcement officer to do their bidding shows they know the power they have in Wyoming is substantial and that it has worked before.

Short time later walllah DA files charges just like the large ranch owner wanted.

Might as well just name Wyoming North Texas now and get it over with.
Blm should cite ranch: unauthorized operations of vehicles across public land, unlawful closing of lands (corner posts/chain/sign). The same theory for airspace would make elk mountain in violation and hunter harassment. All three are federal violations but the USDA has been absent in this for some reason...
Blm should cite ranch: unauthorized operations of vehicles across public land, unlawful closing of lands (corner posts/chain/sign). The same theory for airspace would make elk mountain in violation and hunter harassment. All three are federal violations but the USDA has been absent in this for some reason...
Point of order.... department of interior, not usda.
The BLM is not an authority that can make a judgement on cc, one way or the other. It would be decided at the state level. Our local ranger laughed about this when I asked him why the BLM put this in some of their informational brochures.
That’s a good clarification if true. How about the fact the attorneys and hunters admitted they also corner crossed thru the state section in their dismissal application and actually killed their elk in that section, who would the state authority be? As I understand it the state of Wyoming has issued several news releases stating corner crossing is not legal access on the State lands website.C33B6E02-66FB-443F-8832-FC66F1E62715.jpeg
That’s a good clarification if true. How about the fact the attorneys and hunters admitted they also corner crossed thru the state section in their dismissal application and actually killed their elk in that section, who would the state authority be? As I understand it the state of Wyoming has issued several news releases stating corner crossing is not legal access on the State lands website.View attachment 214294
JFC....the internet police is full of critics and Barney Fife's.

Give it a rest.... Public to public crossing in both cases.

Who cares about non-binding brochures and pamphlets. The ag opinion didn't differentiate between public lands. You just like to argue...employee of EMR or friend of the Carbon County Attorney?

For the record what state land board rule would corner crossing violate?

I must be the idiot here? The supposed trespass happened from federal land to private land. Who if anyone knows the property boundaries on Federal land in this case other than BLM? Certainly not a Sherriff's Deputy, Wyoming Fish and Game, or the County that is trying to prosecute them. The chain and barbered wire was certainly no concern to the Sherriff's Deputy? Why is it there? I hang chains and barde wire over things I do not own? May have been a major concern to a BLM Ranger? Personally I would see if the if the Deputy is on the take? I would also check to see if the District Attorney is? Trust me I am only trying to help their cause.
There is a corner pin marking the corner, so everyone knows the boundary. I'm not sure what you don't understand about this situation.
Who if anyone knows the property boundaries on Federal land in this case other than BLM? Certainly not a Sherriff's Deputy, Wyoming Fish and Game, or the County that is trying to prosecute them.
Doesn’t matter who knows the boundary. What matters is who has jurisdiction and authority to cite for a violation of a state law.
I must be the idiot here? The supposed trespass happened from federal land to private land. Who if anyone knows the property boundaries on Federal land in this case other than BLM? Certainly not a Sherriff's Deputy, Wyoming Fish and Game, or the County that is trying to prosecute them. The chain and barbered wire was certainly no concern to the Sherriff's Deputy? Why is it there? I hang chains and barde wire over things I do not own? May have been a major concern to a BLM Ranger? Personally I would see if the if the Deputy is on the take? I would also check to see if the District Attorney is? Trust me I am only trying to help their cause.
Did BuckBrush accidentally get a second username??
Donated today. Also signed the petition at Backcountry Hunters:

Look, I am a new member here. You people are obviously landowners in the west. You own your land nothing that is attached to it. You got out-smarted and don't like it
and want to close off land you do not own. How hard is that to understand? Here is where the grazing fee of $1.32 comes in. Keep your cows and sheep on your land. You want no one to be on your land why should your shit be on mine I'll pay you $ 1.32 to hunt your property?
Are you not reading any of this content?? We are public land hunters who are objecting to the anachronistic approach to the checkerboard trespass laws in the west not trying to preserve them. Good grief. At least read and understand before you go off half-cocked, new or not.
Look, I am a new member here. You people are obviously landowners in the west. You own your land nothing that is attached to it. You got out-smarted and don't like it
and want to close off land you do not own. How hard is that to understand? Here is where the grazing fee of $1.32 comes in. Keep your cows and sheep on your land. You want no one to be on your land why should your shit be on mine I'll pay you $ 1.32 to hunt your property?
Not a landowner. You need to study up on multiple use management, the Taylor grazing act, laws on jurisdiction, and the difference between state and federal prosecution.