In our state this is being pushed by those who consider themselves 'purists'.... and as usual, its the classic 'my way or the highway' mentality. Funny thing is, most of these so-called purists are actually hypocrites: They consider it unsporting to bait, and yet they think nothing of hunting over an agricultural field, waterhole, or other natural food source. And no matter how it gets sugar coated, the animals are coming in to a food/water source.
But whatever..... this debate will rage on forever. Suffice it to say that every day we all lose more and more of our personal freedoms. Is it the end of the world if we can't bait anymore? No. On the other hand, whatever happened to tolerance for our fellow man?
It pisses me off that we as a society are being forced to accept the same-sex marriages..... and yet amongst the hunting fraternity we can't respect that we all enjoy hunting different ways.
I've seen hound hunting, trapping, and predator hunting all outlawed. Dammit.... we need to stick together as hunters, or divided we surely will fall.
Ya got a point there Yoop!!!! I dont know what the bill is about yet but I will find out. I dont think people bait elk and deer much here anyway, but maybe I just havent seen it. Maybe with a slat block or something!!! You have a really good point Yoop and if they pass that law, what will be next????????/ bcat
If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Bcat, in WY there having alot of problems right now with people salting the elk and deer along the borders of Yellowstone Park. Its probably being brought up because of it, just my geuss. Salting as in using salt blocks or mineral licks to draw in animals off the park, which probably is classified as baiting
I heard it at work today on the radio and since i work in the back country i only got part of it.(i had the Misses post it) It did all i caught was it was a ban for banning Bait for Big game ...I also got a part that mentioned Salting Elk along the border of yellowstone and also feeders used for whitetail on the east side of the state....But that is all I caught
I will call F&G in the morn to see what it is all about
If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Sorry it took so long to look this up but here is the Bill the way it is written
HB0050 - Baiting of big game animals.
State of Wyoming
Baiting of big game animals.
Sponsored by: Representative(s) Simons, Hageman, Luthi and
Paseneaux and Senator(s) Hinchey
1 AN ACT relating to game and fish; prohibiting the baiting
2 of big game animals for purposes of hunting as specified;
3 exempting normal agricultural management practices;
4 defining terms; imposing penalties; and providing for an
5 effective date.
7 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
9 Section 1. W.S. 23-3-304(c) and by creating new
10 subsections (d) through (f) is amended to read:
12 23-3-304. Certain trapping devices unlawful; game for
13 bait prohibited; baiting big game animals prohibited;
14 penalties.
Page 1
1 (c) Violation of subsections (a) and (b) ofthis
2 section constitutes a 3rd degree misdemeanor.
4 (d) No person shall place any bait for the purpose of
5 taking a big game animal nor shall any person take a big
6 game animal over or take a big game animal by the use of
7 any bait that has been deposited, placed, distributed or
8 scattered in a manner to constitute a lure, attraction or
9 enticement to, on or over the area where any hunter is
10 taking big game animals. Nothing in this subsection shall
11 apply to normal or accepted agricultural management
12 practices nor prohibit taking big game animals over stored
13 and standing crops, salt, mineral or other feed scattered
14 solely as a result of normal and accepted agricultural
15 practices.
17 (e) As used in subsection (d) of this section, "bait"
18 means the direct or indirect placing, exposing, depositing,
19 distributing or scattering of salt, hay, grain, fruit, nuts
20 or chemical, mineral or other feed as an attraction or
21 enticement for big game animals, regardless of the kind and
22 quantity.
Page 2
1 (f) A violation of subsection (d) of the section
2 constitutes a 5th degree misdemeanor.
4 Section 2. This act is effective immediately upon
5 completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law
6 as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming
7 Constitution.
9 (END)
If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN