Your one dollar contribution to AccessYes and S&R wont be missed, or your application/credit card fees either. Wyoming applications are setting records every year, hold your breath and stomp your feet all you want, nobody cares.
I do have Wyoming plates, but lack the 60k truck, side by sides, ATV's, and camp trailer bigger than my house. I do have a 12 year old Davis Wall Tent, a 2010 truck, and a couple half wore out pairs of meindle hiking boots though.
Wyoming, absolutely has some stellar elk hunting. No question in my mind, they will sell out of tags again this year. You and JM77 have made your point, and I agree.
The problem is this. Every year, more regular blue collar hunters are priced out of the game. I know several hunting buddies who just cant justify the cost. I've talked to others about coming along. There is often interest right up until I tell them the cost of the Non resident tags.
It's a simple fact that the less people heading west to hunt will result in less interest in our public lands. I'm always amazed at how many folks from back east have no idea what BLM or National forest land is. This includes some hunters.
Preserving and protecting our public lands is going to take the support and dedication of people from all over the US. Do you really think the Washington types give a crap about what Wyoming voters think? Do you know what they will tell you when its decided that your favorite chunk of BLM is being sold off to pay the bills for the state or Federal government? Let me take a guess. "Hold your breath and stomp your feet all you want, nobody cares."
We need to look past the tip of our nose at the bigger picture. I for one am thinking long term. I hope many more generations of my family will be able to enjoy the same great places I have.