Caribou Gear Tarp

Wyo Wildlife Task Force and the new outfitter/landowner draw proposal

Any time the government tilts something in A PERSON OR GROUPS favor it’s welfare to combat a capitalistic approach, it’s welfare IMO.
Outfitter set asides IMO is about the worst thing a game and fish department can do when it comes to resourse allocation. About the only possible way I should support such a motion is if the outfitter had to personally purchase the set aside tags at a cost of about 1000x normal
"It's only welfare when it goes to other guy." Conrad Burns, 1998.

I got to meet Conrad back in ‘06

We were commissioning a new piece of equipment, I have a copy of The Livingston Enterprise with he and I gracing the front page.
For the record, I testified in opposition to lifting the cap at the commission meeting just a while ago. Did no good, the commission moved to allow the department to start the process of drafting regulation change for both removing the cap and making region NR general tags.

Todays meeting was a good example of the commission not giving two shits about public testimony, they did everything but ignore you guys. I could see it headed to the chitter when the chair couldn't even read Muratore or Hettick correctly.
That could happen in the initial draw.

Keep in mind NR's receive way more than 7,250 elk tags here. Its about 13K.

What the problem is going to be with regions, is that some regions will become very hard to draw, others not as much. I would guess point creep will get worse across the board as NR hunters shift their application strategies.

Example would be Cody area. Right now about 30% of the total elk hunters there are NR, meaning high demand area. Greys River general elk areas, 20% are NR hunters.

Its going to be up to the Regional Biologists to determine quotas, and MAY mean a shift to adhere to the regulation of 84-16 split. Meaning, that recommendations could be to reduce the Cody area region tags by 14%, the greys river by 4% to adhere to 84-16 tag splits.

That would make those tags in those areas more difficult to draw, increasing point creep. Other units may be easier, or what it may do is shift some of the lower tier point holders to not apply for the Greys or Cody tags, increasing point creep and the number of points required to draw higher across the board.

Its tough to know.

For the record, I testified in opposition to lifting the cap at the commission meeting just a while ago. Did no good, the commission moved to allow the department to start the process of drafting regulation change for both removing the cap and making region NR general tags.
I had to be in Cody for my sons all star tourney today. I emailed all the commission and got no response from any. I think they were already on board.

I can’t believe how the task force ignores the public comment and now the commission appears to ignore it.

How many people spoke against the move?

As things move forward we should have ample input?
Todays meeting was a good example of the commission not giving two shits about public testimony, they did everything but ignore you guys. I could see it headed to the chitter when the chair couldn't even read Muratore or Hettick correctly.
I corrected Roberts I mean my name is so hard to pronounce and all. FFS
I had to be in Cody for my sons all star tourney today. I emailed all the commission and got no response from any. I think they were already on board.

I can’t believe how the task force ignores the public comment and now the commission appears to ignore it.

How many people spoke against the move?

As things move forward we should have ample input?
2, Jeff and I.
I gotta admit I'm a little jealous of what's happening in Wyoming compared to the absolute shit-show we have happening with license allocation in Colorado right now
If outfitters insist on the state providing them a client base through an outfitter draw maybe they should have to pay a percentage of the cost of each guided hunt back to Wyoming game and fish. I mean subsides flowing each way is only fair. Maybe make it 50% since that’s the amount of tags they want
I gotta admit I'm a little jealous of what's happening in Wyoming compared to the absolute shit-show we have happening with license allocation in Colorado right now

yes and no. it's foreboding, if anything. the outfitters in colorado having been able to feast on OTC tags for NRs for so long is exactly why reasonable changes to our allocations will be so. damn. hard.

"cap NR otc? then we deserve 50% of them! we'll be put on the streets if you don't do that for us! wyoming did it!"

i can hear it already. i can even picture the bread lines on the streets of Yampa the cowboys on their horses will be foretelling of.
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I guess I can't stress enough that lasts months comments were literally thrown in the trash. In typical TF fashion, the wrong questions were posted, so this month they are starting all over again. The vote will be at the next August meeting. Don't put it off, those emails and letters sent by the outfitters will elicit a lot of comments supporting the idea of a 50% outfitter/landowner drawing for NR tags. Those opposing need to be heard!
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I guess I can't stress enough that lasts months comments were literally thrown in the trash. In typical TF fashion, the wrong questions were posted, so this month they are starting all over again. The vote will be at the next August meeting. Don't put it off, those emails and letters sent by the outfitters will elicit a lot of comments supporting the idea of a 50% outfitter/landowner drawing for NR tags. Those opposing need to be heard!
Thanks to you and @BuzzH for keeping us looped in on this. And thanks for pushing this here.

For those reading, Jeff is not overstating when he expresses the importance of sending comments. I know we are all tired of this. Yes, we went through the same exercise on virtually the same proposal just a month ago. They hope folks get fatigued and give up. That cannot happen. Please send your comments.

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