similar story...i was in the yukon hunting moose...sat on a hill glassing for 2 hours with a guide...i was laying down to get a nap and the guide said bull took a minute for him to show me the bull....i couldnt believe it cuz i had glassed that valley totally, but there he was a mile away across a roaring river they call cricks...bedded on the side of an opening...i watched thru a spotting scope and he gave him a call...a couple of seconds later i saw him turn his head, i said he heard it...he waited 15 minutes and gave him another call and he started coming...we never saw that bull again because of the dark timber until he walked up below us in an opening 168 yds away about an hour later...with 3 or 4 calls he located us perfectly from a mile away, river and all...amazing
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