WY lopes


Dec 23, 2000
Made a quick trip up north the last couple of days and brought back plenty of good eats. Not much time to look around this year, so I wasn't too picky.

I passed this buck up twice a week ago, but he didn't survive our third encounter.



After shooting my buck yesterday morning, I ran over to another unit and filled a couple of doe tags. Sorry, cropping couldn't help the blood situation in the second picture.


Nice work, congrats. Thats a productive couple days of hunting.
Let me guess................you already have your next year unit picked out as well?

Do you like that bino cover. Sometimes it looks ginormous in some of your pics.

Great goat.
Let me guess................you already have your next year unit picked out as well?

Nope. After a work meeting last night, it sounds like I may be spending a lot of time in WY the next few years. I've hunted antelope in 7 different units in WY the last 7 years, and expect that trend to continue. Hope to find some new spots.

Do you like that bino cover. Sometimes it looks ginormous in some of your pics.

It is ginormous because my binos are ginormous (over 3lbs :rolleyes:). It's ok, but I wish the pockets on the sides were big enough for GPS and radio. It also leaves a big sweaty spot on my chest, which isn't real fun.
Good job Oak, I can see why you just had to take that buck home with ya. We are headed up today for some antelope stackin in Unit 32.
And now you know why you haven't gotten the stuff you asked of me for the magazine. Is it too late?