Caribou Gear Tarp

WTH is Nebraska doing?

So the guys who hunt deer from heated blinds on corn fields in the fall are upset that folks in Nebraska are shooting elk on a corn pivot in a different month than normal. Trying to sensationalize it by acting like these murderers are killing the elk version of bambi by firing squad even though it's pretty obvious the hunters would likely choose to shoot bulls or adult cows.

As far as Nebraska goes the game and parks has done a good job of helping elk and sheep populations. Most people don't' realize they have multiple herds of bighorns in Nebraska. But as mentioned it's a balance as Nebraska is not Wyoming, but is has some good habitat.

Here is the historic info on Elk in Nebraska which is interesting. Sounds like the elk came back in the 50's and 60's.

Gotta be some good eating elk if all they eat is crops.
I should have added clarity there. I was inferring that it takes time for a "regular" hunter to draw a NE elk tag, as opposed to the Schuler ranch issue in 2019, whereby the landowner gets to hand select the hunters that he gives the depredation tags to and/or use himself.
To be honest if I ever make enough $ to buy land I would probably go for Western Nebraska as they have really good wildlife including antelope, elk, mule deer, and turkeys. The landowner tag situation is setup so if you own one of the places the elk spend time on you can kill a trophy bull on a regular basis. Season structure is really nice for deer hunting as you have multiple options and tags are easy to get for friends and family.
A little follow up. Per the someone at the NGPC the total kill so far on the dreaded elk depredation tags has been 2 cows. As of right now 183 tags have been sold. That puts success at this point at ~ 3 1/2%

So the much feared elk slaughter has not happened, and to my prediction along with anyone else who has any decent experience with Nebraska elk, they killed a couple out of the herd and the rest dispersed.

I’m not saying this is the best solution, but anyone who works with managing big game animals knows that deer, elk, antelope can be perceived as destructive wether warranted or not when it comes to crops. Hopefully this has driven the elk into areas where they are more tolerated so they can continue to expand east along the rivers and creeks.

I’m 110% for increased elk and deer numbers even if it hurts my bottom line because I see a net benefit with them as far as recreation, a resource, and also a revenue stream if it gets to that point. But I also understand the very few farmers and ranchers that have been decimated by the elk. It’s going to be a balancing act and I’ll bet dimes to dollars that this won’t be the last time a contentious Nebraska elk thread is posted.

I stole this pic from another site (presumably the hunters that harvested them) in true Nebraskastani form they are hanging from a loader. 5F9AFBC6-BCE4-4B88-B790-AF2D4F26FE54.jpeg
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