Blood Boiling

This junk makes me so upset!

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is asking for help in finding the people responsible for killing a bull elk in Tizer Basin south of Helena.
The bull elk was killed and the antlers removed. The rest of the animal was left and wasted. The elk was killed using a firearm during archery season.
The crime happened during the nighttime hours of Sept. 14.

Tizer Basin is in hunting district 380, which is managed by FWP for older bulls and branch- antlered bulls. The hunting district can be hunted by permit only. It’s a permit that is one of the hardest to draw in the state.
Anyone with information on this crime, should contact TIPMONT. You can do this online at You may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000.​

View attachment 340696
Immediate execution of all poachers. Despicable.
This sucks...but honestly even if they get caught chances they will actually get punished are slim to none...this will be another $1000 fine and 6 months probation...which is a bargin compared to buying points, entering the draw for years to obtain this tag legally.

You know why poaching happens? Because the punishment for getting caught isn't severe enough to prevent it.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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