You are absolutely right that sportsmen should celebrate all that was defended an accomplished this session. Good job and thanks to all those who put effort forth.
In this particular thread, the issue isn't really SB 245 though, it's David Allen's accusations and the manner in which they were made. What do you think of calling those who opposed SB 245 "pseudosportsman" groups?
I think there could have been some better wordsmithing of that alert, but that doesn't change the large amount of respect that I have for David Allen or RMEF as an organization. Same goes for the guys who were bashing RMEF over supporting the bill.
Everyone is passionate about these issues, and sometimes that passion overtakes common sense.
Buzz - I don't disagree that a landowner will go to a legislator and complain if they don't get a custom late season hunt, but the law is the law, and there are a lot of organizations that field lobbyists and volunteers to make sure that things don't go too far south. THere are no guarantees in this world expect that someone will be an asshole, and everyone else will have something to say about it.
But again, SB 245 doesn't erode commission authority, it codifies it.