Wow, Wyoming has a real winner on their hands!

It didn't always used to be this way. Students of American History can point out eras when even the "right" thought George Bailey was a good guy and Mr. Potter was a bad guy. The Greatest Generation would be defenseless against today's banksters.

Remember the 1950s and 60s T.V. and Movie Westerns? Who was the hero always defending? Who was often the bad guy? WTF happened to those lies we used to tell about ourselves?

Somewhere along the line a propaganda war was lost. I don't know if it will ever turn back again. Virtue is no longer a necessity. Out west in Wyoming today the most important thing is the boots and the hat. That which lies between is a Dick Cheney and they're admired as "macho men." LOL!

I guess Hollywood has always been FOS. In reality the people have been losing since the Johnson County War and before. No heroes any more, if there ever were any.

Maybe Crazy Horse.

End rant.
Former Gov of Wyo, Dave Fruedenthal, 2001-2011 is a Dem. so it's not impossible. It really is a shame the Cheney won so easily. Her Democratic challenger, Ryan Greene is a good man and someone I am proud to call a friend. He is, and would have been a champion of the public land hunter. He ran a common sense campaign based on fact and reality. Ms. Cheney ran on ignorance, fear and hatred of the Feds. Ryan pointed out in one of the debates that if she ever got in office she would be there forever. I am afraid he might be correct.
Gov Dave was one of the best Fed bashers I've ever seen. I learned a lot from that man.
Ryan pointed out in one of the debates that if she ever got in office she would be there forever. I am afraid he might be correct.

That's my read on it. She took a stab at the Senate too early (probably assumed the VP name would push her through). But the Party made her step back and pay her dues in the House, first. She'll move up to the Senate when the incumbent dies or gets caught doing something wrong. Then maybe the governors mansion and then the White House. I doubt she'll make it very far but that's the inside track these people usually take. Hopefully she rots in the House, get's bored and hangs out a shingle in Chugwater. More likely she'll end up lobbying in D.C. somehow.
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