LWCF Advocates


I think we need to remember that the core of the NRA is the 2nd amendment, not necessarily hunting/access to public lands. While most of us on this site are hunting junkies, not all gun owners are. I'm not a NRA member because I can't stand all the mail and phone calls, but do support them at our local events. I feel they do a nice job for gun ownership, and would hate to see the service they do go away. I think we would all suffer.



The NRA works on hunting issues across the west, from public land shooting ranges, to supporting state management of wildlife. This issue is one that is critical to it's membership, and personally, I think they fell down on it. They have told congressmen before when they intend to score a vote on conservation, and it moves mountains. They didn't on LWCF. What good is all of that power, if they don't use it wisely?
This makes me sick to my stomach.

Far too often hunter's sit back and watch as these politicians take more and more from us. While I understand why many don't want to become involved, the time that allowed for hunters to sit idly by has passed.
I just got of the phone with a "land and water subcommittee" representative, who instructed me to write a letter. While I understand that this might be a worthwhile course of action, I also fear that such a letter might fail to accurately encapsulate all of my thoughts on the matter; and in the most meaningful way possible.

Therefore, I was wondering if anyone might know of any petitions (or similar vehicles) out there that might enable the average citizen to make their voice heard in a more effective way?
Personal notes, emails and phone calls are always the best. Form letters & petitions are easy to ignore. Make them respond to you, and keep the heat on them.
".....what would get hunters pissed enough to hold these folks accountable..."

Seems the gun is the holiest of grails, while the resources vast numbers of folks use this tool for is a distant concern.

The NRA works on hunting issues across the west, from public land shooting ranges, to supporting state management of wildlife. This issue is one that is critical to it's membership, and personally, I think they fell down on it. They have told congressmen before when they intend to score a vote on conservation, and it moves mountains. They didn't on LWCF. What good is all of that power, if they don't use it wisely?

I too think they have barely missed the target. If I can't hunt I don't rally need my guns. When they sold me my life membership they said they stand up for hunters. I don't believe it anymore.
what the LWCF gives us....

The state of Montana utilizes LWCF funds to help purchase Fishing Access Sites.
$3 Bridge FAS is a world renown walk in wade only destination providing world class fishing surrounded by spectacular scenery.
Various FAS's around the state can also provide some pretty good hunting, witnessed by this late season mixed bag.....
Yeah, the Land and Water Conservation Fund is a big deal.


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Representative Bishop:

I am incredibly disappointed and alarmed at your unwillingness to consider re-authorization of the LWCF as part of the federal budget resolution. Some ideas and instruments are good on a federal level and on a state level. The LWCF is one of those instruments.

One of the things that makes Utah great is the vast amount of beautiful, unique, and publicly accessible landscapes that are found throughout the state. The LWCF has helped to purchase and preserve wild and historic areas, such as those found in our state, across the country. The expiration of this fund is a travesty that one would not expect the Chairman of the House Natural Resources committee to allow.

The federal government does many things wrong. This fund and the good that it has done is not one of them. As you consider your impact on this decision, please understand that while your title says that you represent me; your views, statements and actions on this issue and the over-arching public land control debate seriously endanger a tradition of public land recreation and use that is a huge driver in our state. This public-land heritage is one of the most important things to me and my family, and as such I cannot support a representative whose words and actions stand in direct opposition to it's continuation.



-Not that he'll read it, but this is the message I sent to him. Sadly Utah Politics is too much of an echo-chamber for our representatives to feel even the least bit threatened. I've never been a Bishop supporter, but hopefully enough people share their displeasure over what is going on to let these yahoos know they are losing constituents.
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Representative Bishop:

I am incredibly disappointed and alarmed at your unwillingness to consider re-authorization of the LWCF as part of the federal budget resolution. Some ideas and instruments are good on a federal level and on a state level. The LWCF is one of those instruments.

One of the things that makes Utah great is the vast amount of beautiful, unique, and publicly accessible landscapes that are found throughout the state. The LWCF has helped to purchase and preserve wild and historic areas, such as those found in our state, across the country. The expiration of this fund is a travesty that one would not expect the Chairman of the House Natural Resources committee to allow.

The federal government does many things wrong. This fund and the good that it has done is not one of them. As you consider your impact on this decision, please understand that while your title says that you represent me; your views, statements and actions on this issue and the over-arching public land control debate seriously endanger a tradition of public land recreation and use that is a huge driver in our state. This public-land heritage is one of the most important things to me and my family, and as such I cannot support a representative whose words and actions stand in direct opposition to it's continuation.



-Not that he'll read it, but this is the message I sent to him. Sadly Utah Politics is too much of an echo-chamber for our representatives to feel even the least bit threatened. I've never been a Bishop supporter, but hopefully enough people share their displeasure over what is going on to let these yahoos know they are losing constituents.

That is an excellent letter. It is a letter like that, expressing your personal principles, that scares the heck out of politicians. Thanks for sending.
Is there a website that shows some of the areas in each state that the LWCF funds have helped develop or purchase? Including some of these places in our emails might help personalize our communication with our representatives.
Thanks Big Fin for the quick response. Sawtooth Recreation Area and Salmon Wild and Scenic River will definitely make it into my email.
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If the majority in the House feels the heat, there still can be action taken, albeit more difficult, the get LWCF reauthorized. However, that means every hunter in the United States needs to stand up and be counted. This issue could have easily been put to bed, but Rob Bishop's agenda is failing yet again, and so his solution is to lash out at the Land & Water Conservation Fund.

That is the tactic of a child. If he wants to act like a child, then he needs to get spanked.

You can call his office at: 202-225-0453

You can email him at: http://robbishop.house.gov/contact/zipauth.htm

He is the chairman of the Natural Resources Committee in the House. That committee oversees public land management and programs like LWCF. Take a moment to find your representative on that committee and politely ask them why they let LWC expire and didn't stand up to Bishop's bullying:

Committee contact page: https://naturalresources.house.gov/contact/

Here is the full committee list: http://naturalresources.house.gov/about/members.htm

As for the NRA, here is their contact page: https://contact.nra.org/contact-us.aspx

Unless the NRA's members inform them of their misdeed, the NRA will have no need to change their direction and will continue to sell hunters out to the politicians and lobbyists.

Don't sit on the internet and complain - Stand up and fight back. You are mother nature's bodygaurds, and you're heavily armed.

Just got a call from an NRA fundraiser. Told him I was not interested and would not offer any more funds nor re-up my membership until the NRA started fighting for the lwcf. Probably fell on deaf ears. But I have noticed they (NRA) have become much more aggressive in their find raising efforts
Just got a call from an NRA fundraiser. Told him I was not interested and would not offer any more funds nor re-up my membership until the NRA started fighting for the lwcf. Probably fell on deaf ears. But I have noticed they (NRA) have become much more aggressive in their find raising efforts


Every voice counts and every interaction adds up. Keep at it.
Thanks for posting all the contact info, Ben. I've called Bishop's office, emailed the committee, and commented to the NRA about why this is an example of why I'm a former member.
Keep the pressure on. We cannot simply apply pressure for a few days and then give up. Getting the LWCF back is very important.