Would Jeans Be Terrible for Mid-Season Elk Hunts?

Lot of variables, if you are truck hunting and aren't hiking far, knock yourself out. If you are doing almost anything else, buy some pants that are light and will dry quickly, weather from rain or sweat. I agree with the sams or costco approach if you are budget constrained. They have some poly blend pants for very little money.
Are they skinny jeans? Or 200 dollar jeans with giant holes in em? If not, you should be just fine if that's what you wanna wear.
Are they skinny jeans? Or 200 dollar jeans with giant holes in em? If not, you should be just fine if that's what you wanna wear.
Listen up, Bob Ross...Millennials made you an icon, so don’t you be insulting skinny jeans! ;)
Jeans are fine until it gets wet. In the Summer its from sweat, and in the Fall and Winter fog and rain on brush and grass. i don't miss the chafing from wet denim. Pretty much any synthetic or wool pant will be more comfortable.
I would say jeans are good for a day hunt for whitetails or pronghorn, but if I'm going to be any farther than a mile from the truck or in any adverse weather at all I would steer clear.
I hate jeans. For one, cotton sucks when wet.
Two, it just isn’t flexible and is tough for lifting your legs stepping over logs and obstacles.
You don’t need $300 Sitka pants. There’s REI, North Face, prana, Kuhl, etc brands that are the same amount or less than a pair of Levi’s.
or are dedicated hiking or hunting pants necessary?
Of course there's better clothes made specifically for hunting, but I'd argue clothes don't make the man. (or woman).
One of the most successful bowhunters of all time, Chuck Adams, hunted in bluejeans, a hoodie and stocking cap, and killed too many trophies to recall. He just adapted his techniques to get it done.
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