Wolves in Idaho

Dangerous Dave,

"an idealogy that is totally committed to destroying wildlife, hunting and hunters FOREVER."

They've always had wolves in Canada and Alaska. Has wildlife, hunting and hunters been destroyed forever there yet?
Jose, there is nothing wrong with a case of PBR, other than I don't have one right now.
TheTone said:
Jose, there is nothing wrong with a case of PBR, other than I don't have one right now.
A six-pack of good stuff is always preferrable to a case of PBR...... Life is too short for skanky beer.....
Yes, yes; JOSE' do try to redirect the topic. I don't drink, well not the crap you slurp and burp anyways. And from what I understand, there is nothing in Idaho that would keep these guys from carrying guns while out chasing critters.
Ten Bears said:
Yes, yes; JOSE' do try to redirect the topic. I don't drink, well not the crap you slurp and burp anyways. And from what I understand, there is nothing in Idaho that would keep these guys from carrying guns while out chasing critters.

Ten Beers,
There is likely a great chance of you getting stung by a wasp and dieing, or bitten by a Mosquito with West Nile, or struck by lightning. Are you really that paranoid that you think some mangy old wolf is gonna take a bite of your PBR pickeled butt?
What's the matter JOSE', you don't like my right to bear arms (or in my case arm Ten Bears)? I've never done anything to lose that right, and I can carry a gun in the woods if I want too. Whether it's for protection from lion, tigers, bears, woofs or wanna be hispanolias, or just plinking, and I can find no reason why these guys that lost those dogs couldn't have been armed as well instead of claiming to have had to run back to their truck to dig around for a gun. Something there doesn't make sense.....
At the first sign of a new challenge...the cry-babies fold up the tent and go home.

The big-bad wolf kills a couple hounds and now the houndsmen are all giving up...

Good, maybe they can take up a new hobby...buy knitting needles, yarn, etc.
Ten Beers,

The original story, as published in the Newspaper, was a 1/2 of a full size page of paper. The guy was not thrifty with his words. If there is more to the story, he should consider a Novel and not a Newspaper.

Do you wear a helmet when you ride your ATV? Doesn't that protect your arse from getting bit???
The debate rages, on and on and on. I don't think this subject will ever die.
Yes,the original story is a well written piece of emotional drivel (I simpathize with his loss), but I don't think it is written in true form to what happened (I think he's hiding something - kinda like JOSE').
I don't know a whole lot of houndsmen, but know a half dozen or so, and they've been in the chase business for well over 20 years as well... Every one that I know treat thier dogs like dogs that serve a purpose and not like pets. They know that every time they open that box it could be the last time they see that dog... Either death by lion/wolf, exposure or bullet.

Didn't this same thing happen last winter in ID no less? You'd think they guy would have been expecting it. I really do feel bad for him, but I kind of think he was playing with fire to begin with wasn't he?

How many hounds get eaten by bears every year? I have no experience hunting bears with dogs... Just wondering, I would assume that there are a few that get chewed on or killed.

I'm surprised that they weren't packing some form of pistol or something... jezzus thier hunting bears with dogs, I would think that just about anything could happen. What if they'd have run into a grizzly instead and he proceeded to make the pups into seat covers... would the guy have felt the same way?
The guy sure is a softee for a houndsman. Most that I know have at one point or another in thier early days of training dogs used helpless little stray cats, or shelter kitties.. and most have had no issues putting a bullet in the skull of dog for non-performance.
BuzzH said:
At the first sign of a new challenge...the cry-babies fold up the tent and go home.

The big-bad wolf kills a couple hounds and now the houndsmen are all giving up...

Good, maybe they can take up a new hobby...buy knitting needles, yarn, etc.

I guess keeping your dogs alive is the "New Challenge" your talking about.
I can't wait until I can play a hound tape and kill the wolves that come to eat.
I don't know a houndman that doesn't pack a gun when he's got dogs on the ground, and this guy sounds fake to me. I think he may have lost some dogs to woofs, but something in his story rings fake to me....
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