
Wolves are legal????????

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
Schmalts, You make it sound like a lot of work to shoot, gut, skin and butcher a deer. I can do the whole job in less than 1 hour, total time.


Your so full of shit your eyes are turning brown.If you can shoot ,drag out, skin, and completely butcher a deer in less than an hour your superhuman. (or the biggest hack in the west)
Let me ask you this, what are you calling butchering??? If you can do all that in less than an hour i have a hard time believing anything you do or say. Maybe if you hunted deer in a meat locker! LOL
Are you sure you arent talking about those prarie dogs you probably been living off of?now those i bet you can butcher in an hour...
Anyone else here claim they can do that? Just wondering if I am just slowwwwww. Gee i need practice killing and butchering. Before this you even told me i never shoot deer because i never get my lazy ass off my ATV and i kind of prooved you wrong on that too, LOL
I wasnt going to respond to anymore of your dribble but now its getting entertaining.
"How does one even find a site like that LOL,and why would a so called hunter use it ?"

Do a Yahoo search for the title of a book you want to read a review of.

Because it had a good book review.

Schmalts, "If you can shoot ,drag out, skin, and completely butcher a deer in less than an hour your superhuman"

Thanks. I never claimed to be superman, but I can do what I claimed. I'm surprised you doubt it. I keep forgetting I'm dealing with a bunch of amatuers here.

First, I never said I could drag it out. That time would vary.

Here's how it would work from the time the trigger was pulled on a 120 lb. doe.

Walk to dead deer--1 or two minutes.
Gut--five minutes. Actually, if I were doing this for speed I wouldn't even gut it.

Drag to truck---that would vary. It wasn't part of the claim.

Skin--Lay out the tarp, pull off skin with truck and stone method, put skinned deer on tailgate.----6-8 minutes.

Plenty of time left (45 minutes) to debone the meat. Ever watch a pro butcher a deer? If you're going to turn the hindquarters into steaks and roasts it will take a few minutes less than just trimming out the back straps and turning the rest of the deer into pieces for stew meat or grinding into burger.

Throw the meat into the cooler and you're done.

Grinding and packaging comes later.

The hillbillys I grew up with could do that in the dark without any flashlight a lot faster than I could in daylight, but they had much more practice.

And Schmalts, "Before this you even told me i never shoot deer because i never get my lazy ass off my ATV and i kind of prooved you wrong on that too" Sorry, I put a smiley after the comment about getting off your ATV and uncasing your bow to let you know I was kidding. I never doubted you know how to hunt deer. Actually, I think Wis has lots of good deer hunters. You Wis guys take it pretty seriously. I'm not so sure you know how to butcher deer though.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-11-2003 21:06: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
I have to call BULL SHIT on you cuting up a deer in one hour....Are you killing Key deer ???? there is no way you can cut up a deer in that time... Is there any one on this web page that thinks they can do that to???? And call MT FWP and ask to see calf to cow ratio from befor they brought the wolves back and after and tell me what you see... Better yet post it on this site!!!!!!!
I know I can bone, and cape a deer in 45 minutes or so, but preparing it for the freezer takes me 2-3 hours more, I'm a picky bastard when it comes to silverskin, no fat, no sinew, just clear meat.

I suppose the time it would take depends on how picky you want to be.

Oh, and cat-hunt, the cow calf ratios vary a lot in MT from one area to another. I'd bet the cow-calf ratios, statewide, havent changed since wolf reintro. There may be small areas that have low cow/calf ratios, but statewide the Fish and Game claims elk are at record levels...which means lots of recruitment (lots of calves).

If you can find proof that statewide cow/calf ratios have dropped, I'd like to see it.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-11-2003 22:01: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
Cathunt, I'm amazed you and Schmalts don't believe it! How many deer have you ever butchered, anyway? After the first hundred or so anyone should have the system down pretty well.

Let's start with the basics. Do you guys know how to skin the deer with a golf ball?

Buzz, I usually leave silverskin on when I freeze it and cut it off when I defrost. The less exposed meat during freezing the better. I don't cut steaks either for the same reason. Just make roasts and cut them into steaks when you defrost. Less exposed meat that way. Even if it's a three pound roast you're going to cut into three steaks. Easier cutting steaks when the meat is still semi-frozen, too. Preserves options, too.

When I was a kid I was friends with a clan of hillbillys. The way the clan worked was most people helped out by contributing in whatever way they could. Some had gardens and canned & froze lots of stuff. Some supplied firewood. Some raised pigs, sheep, cattle, chickens, etc. Most did a lot of everything. I was a buddy of the two main hunters. Actually, just about all of them were good hunters, but my two buddies were the hunting specialists---all year long. Every two weeks all year they'd jacklight ten deer to supply the clan with meat. I learned a lot from them about cutting up deer and lots of other stuff. They didn't even like to waste a shotgun shell on one turkey, so they'd bait a log and set up about twenty yards from the end of the log and shoot down it when the turkeys were feeding like hogs at a trough. That way they'd usually get three or four with one shell. Sometimes they'd trap turkeys or geese or ducks. Sometimes they'd just get them drunk and pick them up.

A few sportsman's clubs from the cities would lease lots of land and post it, so they'd go in and hunt it real hard all year to make sure there weren't any bucks there when hunting season started. That's one of the reasons I wouldn't get involved in a lease. I saw the way those guys cleaned the leases out when the club members weren't around.

I should probably write a book about the stuff I learned from the clan, but nobody would believe it----like tracking birds through the air. So I usually don't say anything about it.

But if anyone here doesn't know how to track birds through the air, or use live decoys, or trap coons without steel traps, or spotlight fish, or noodle, or gut a rabbit in three seconds, or pick up skunks, or find bee trees, or get bears drunk, or use live mice for trapping foxes, or win every fishing tournament, or locate woodchuck holes, or barbecue groundhogs, or catch a 55 gallon barrel full of rats, or call rabbits and squirrels, or get all the turkeys at a turkey shoot, I don't want them questioning me about basic stuff like cuttin' up a deer.

Disclaimer: That stuff was over forty years ago and I was an innocent bystander.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-11-2003 23:14: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Wow, processing a deer in less than an hour, that is pretty remarkable. It usaully takes me a few hours, but I am pretty slow with deer. Prairie dogs on the other hand, I can make quick work of a couple hundred in an hour if I have some help.

On another note, this was a weak post to begin with, especially since it was posted in the elk forum. It has since deteriated and is an embarrassment to be one of the first posts any visitors will see.

I like to think most of the posters on this site are very intelligent, but unfortunately childish, inappropriate behavior is the only point revealed in some of these debates.

Let it go.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-11-2003 22:32: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>
Elkchser, Yup. That's probably a two person crew. One wrapping. Plus, they have an electric saw. They probably start with a deer cut in half, but cutting a deer in quarters with an electric saw doesn't even take two minutes. We have some guys here who should go watch a pro butcher in action.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-12-2003 08:18: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
I have seen pro's in action. They have all the equipment and facility to do it. I take it you must have a full service butcher shop then. Still would like to see it from gunshot to freezer in 1 hour.
And Yes i too use the baseball method to skin, but only if the deer has cooled off. I found if its still warm like you must have them since you get them done so fast that the golfball method only would save a couple minutes. But when they are cooled and the fat hardens its a definite timesaver. Even a total ameture like me knows the old pro's tricks.
It usually takes me a long time to gut the deer because my chainsaw dont start so good in the cold.

Schmalts, Here's what I said, once again: "You make it sound like a lot of work to shoot, gut, skin and butcher a deer. I can do the whole job in less than 1 hour, total time."

I never said "from gunshot to freezer in 1 hour." Read it again, real slowly.

After I've got it butchered the time to grind and wrap could vary from 25 to 45 minutes. But ya gotta get home to do that and have a good grinder.
Mtmiller , heck i got to have a little fun once in a while! Its not too often i have this kind of fun, but i will stop if others think its been dragged out enough. I think with hunting season in a lull we are getting bored, i know i am.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-12-2003 10:58: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
That's OK with me if you want to take a deer processing topic to a different forum. And it seems we've about exhausted the wolf topic. I'm really starting to wonder about how some of the Hunt Talkers process a deer!

And if anybody wants to know how to get geese drunk or track birds thru the air, etc. just ask somewhere else. Maybe the Survival forum.
Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
"Schmalts, You make it sound like a lot of work to shoot, gut, skin and butcher a deer. I can do the whole job in less than 1 hour, total time."
why waste time gutting a deer? flop them on their side and filet them out.... hell it normally takes more time to walk over to a deer after the shot than it does to bone it and pack it up.
Yeah, but Schmalts said they have a law that says you have to take them out whole.

What is the point of that law, anyways?
Is it because the concentration of kill sites is so much greater 'back East' that the woods would be full of bones?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colorado Oak:
Yeah, but Schmalts said they have a law that says you have to take them out whole.

What is the point of that law, anyways?
Is it because the concentration of kill sites is so much greater 'back East' that the woods would be full of bones?

Good question Oak, But i really dont know. I think its mostly to keep the best possible kill data on each hunt unit, and to make it harder for poachers to be dishonest. With 750,000 hunters i think a mail in harvest card would be a huge task for them too. I really hate it because it keeps me from going way back into romote areas to hunt. Dragging a buck that can get up to 250lbs dressed can be a real bitch!!!!!If there is snow(usually not) a sled can help but shit, its still a major task and even worst in hill country.
Like i said, wisconsin has some real stupid laws.
As far as bones in the woods, they end up there on my property anyway like other hunters so i doubt thats it either. It just seems like they have no trust for us hunters here with some of the laws. They figure if we were allowed to have uncased bows we would shoot all out deer out of a truck ect.. Unfortunatly its a very liberal type of govt here and thats who passes our hunt laws.
Get this, heres another law that was just finally dropped last year but stood as long as i can remember. Any deer being transported in a vehicle before its been registered needs to be in plain view with at least part of it exposed to traffic.
Now i am not one to brag and dont like parading carcasses around with blood running out of them because i respect the point that some dont enjoy seeing that. Anti hunters get fueled up by it too so i always closed the truck tailgate or trunk as soon as it was registered. But this is one more thing that i mean when i said there is no trust in the hunters to follow rules so they make up dumb laws like that. I love hunting wisconsin but the pety laws are annoying. Lets see how many of you have any of these in your state: Ammo cannot be in the same case as the gun
guns cannot be uncase(or bows) in or on a motor vehicle be it a car, ATV, or a boat . You can uncase in a boat if its not under power. This means you cannot use an electric trolling motor even if you are carp shooting with a bow. This includes a weapon leaning against a vehicle.
Its illigal to have last years backtag in your possesion even if you have it behind this years in the holder (backtags are not deer tags).
You must register a deer in person, and connot register someones for them. so if you friend has one too you both need to go to town. Its already tagged with his tag so whats the big deal?
Deer must be registered whole and unskinned. so if its warm out get moving boy!
And our wardens are the biggest pricks you ever met. They approach you and treat you like you are guilty untill after they check everything. I have never recieved a fine for any hunting violation so its not like were all poachers here.
I met the coolest warden in Colorado this year and he treated me with such respect and gave me good tips on hunting areas, and even helped me get my truck unstuck. I wrote his superiors about his actions and thanked them for having such a well mannered warden. How are the wardens in your area? would be neat to compare some dumb laws and other tidbits of info.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-12-2003 17:25: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
Lost, "why waste time gutting a deer? flop them on their side and filet them out.... hell it normally takes more time to walk over to a deer after the shot than it does to bone it and pack it up." I tried to make it clear I wouldn't gut the deer if I were going for speed.

So maybe you think one hour is not an unreasonable time for the job?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Ammo cannot be in the same case as the gun, guns cannot be uncase(or bows) in or on a motor vehicle be it a car, ATV, or a boat <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Heck, in CO you not only don't have to have a gun cased in the vehicle, but you can have rounds in the magazine(but not in the chamber). On ATV's however, they have to be cased and completely unloaded.

Do you remember the name of the officer in CO?

do you remember the name of the officer in CO?


Yes it was Phil Erhlich (spelling?) Do you know him?
Let's see,

We are in the elk forum, topic is if killing wolves is legal, and the lastest post revolve around how fast one can process a deer. I'll try to get this topic back on track.

Lot's of B. S. and misinformation coming from Ithaca's posts. Wolves should be transfered from endangered to threatened status in the next few weeks. This will mean that ranchers will be able to kill wolves that are attacking his livestock without getting permission from the feds. A good step towards sane management of the wolves.

Wolves have killed adult cattle and will kill even more as the available wildlife starts to dwindle. Spring time is an expecially bad time for wolf/ livestock conflicts. Two packs near Avon recently got in trouble and will be eliminated. One pack has been in trouble many times before.

The ESA is being worked on in Congress as we speak, and positive changes will be coming soon. Ithaca, you can't hide behind the ESA rules too much longer. Sorry bud!

Ithaca, we are all aware of your hidden agendas, and why you are dragging your feet with wolf delisting. Your actions speak louder than your words. Have you looked into Wyomings wolf management plan recently? Any thoughts?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-13-2003 11:12: Message edited by: Paul C ]</font>
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