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Wolf Rider in CR

Good to see that the language has stayed in the CR, but do say that I'm more excited about the CR for other reasons... ;)
Now that the wolf nuts got their butts handed to them by Malloy, they are trying their hardest to convince the Senate to alter or change the Simpson-Tester language in the budget resolution. I doubt they will succeed, but if you have a minute, it would be best if you can contact your Senator in the link below, and tell them to keep the Tester language in the Senate version of the bill, as currently written.

Here is the link if you are so inclined.

That link has contact information for every Senator. They need to hear from us about the importance of this first step to balance the playing field when plaintiff groups abuse the ESA, as they have with wolves.

Simpson-Tester does not change the ESA, but intervenes to say that in the case of MT and ID, when the bioligist of the USFWS stated the wolves were recovered, Congress will impose that biological decision, if the courts refuse to do so.

That is a much bigger deal than just delisting in MT and ID. It is a change to the playing field of how these plaintiff groups always thought they had a bullet-proof position when they used the ESA as a legal club against the principles of sound biology and wildlife management. And now, these groups are scared as hell, knowing their past strategies are not as bomb-proof as they once thought.
Are you saying that you are "non-essential?" :D

It was “excepted” or “non-excepted" furlough this go around.:D There was a lower class designation, but Tyler was the only one that qualified. Apparently it was dropped.;)
It was “excepted” or “non-excepted" furlough this go around.:D There was a lower class designation, but Tyler was the only one that qualified. Apparently it was dropped.;)
Pretty funny until your kids need new shoe... :D. I think I qualified non-important though.

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