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Wish me luck

Super impressed with how she used the wind in her favor. If she lost it she would circle down wind and pick it back up again. Didn't need any coaxing from me other than to follow behind with a big dumb grin on my face.
It is amazing how great some dogs can be if we would just get out of their way and let 300+ years of breeding do it's thing. Congratulations on another fun hunt.
Well had a major setback last week. My pup decided to jump out of the back of the truck on the way back from my folks place. They live about 300 yards up the county road from me and has made this trip several times.
Long story short she ended up with a busted back leg and had surgery Thanksgiving morning. A few pins, some wire, and a couple G's later, the Dr. says she should heal up fine.
Moral of the story don't be a moron and let you dog ride in the back of a truck when it's not in a crate. The next two months of prime bird hunting and exposure for this young pup is now going to be kennel time. I don't know who's more unhappy with this 😕 me or the pup?imagejpeg_1.jpg20201125_195532.jpgimagejpeg_0002.jpg20201126_205456.jpg
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Tough luck. I hope she heals up okay. Last week I was in town showing my Lab to buddy's grandkids when she jumped the tailgate on my Jimmy to cross the street and see Rod ... with me in hot pursuit. Some old fart in a clunker came barreling down the icy street, barely missed me, and hit her. Luckily no I'll effects. SOB drove off without stopping.
Dang, mine broke her back leg the first year too but with plenty of water therapy that next summer she was good as new.
The hardware came off the 8th of January and I gave her another week of healing before getting her out for some short hunts around the house. Picked right up where we left off. Found a few quail,20210116_152858.jpg
A couple grouse trips and a bonus turkey
and finished off the season today chasing red legs.
I'm excited to see how she progresses this upcoming year and look forward to many more adventures.
It is good to see you changed your hat between the quail hunt and the grouse hunt. 😀

I am also glad to see that the pup has recovered.
Finished up VJP testing near Mountain Home this past Saturday for my now ten month old pup. Great weather and some great people. Even met a few who could vouch for type of character JLS possesses. Had a good time and got to see a couple of her litter mates. In our test group of five she came out on top with a score of "71".FB_IMG_1617069678422.jpg20210329_195742.jpg
I've got to thank Josh Henson with v.d. Outlaw for providing me with a quality dog.

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