Nothing as big as the Bob here, but we're closer than you think. Bob Marshall wilderness is just north of 1 million acres, while the Gila/Aldo Leopold complex is 768,000 acres. We also have the Pecos wilderness, which is quite a bit smaller at 223 000, but it's almost exclusively high alpine and has a lot of unique access issues associated with it. It's surrounded by Spanish Land Grants who don't really allow the FS access through their lands.Maybe so. Not sure how familiar you are with the Bob Marshall Wilderness, but it’s a pretty vast area. That ranger base station that you can get to in a vehicle is pretty remote in itself (Spotted Bear). Not to mention the amount of work conducted for weeks at a time from even more remote work stations. The scope and scale of work that area requires has conventionally been done by a large group of dedicated, generally younger people being paid well below the GS-special-“paper pusher” level.
Not sure where you work from in NM, but I’m guessing it’s nothing quite like the Bob.
I understand the trail crews perform important work that isn't easily performed by higher-level employees with many more responsibilities, but the FS is seriously top-heavy and I'm tired of hearing the same complaints of our field crews being understaffed while our cubicles are 110% full. These recent Doge firings have definitely targeted the wrong people, but i never expected Elon and Trump to be intimately familiar or even interested with how western lands are managed.