Winchester Mod. 70


Active member
May 31, 2020
N. Idaho
I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the current production wood and blued model 70s? Specifically the Safari Express model.
How is their off the shelf quality, dependability, accuracy, fit/finish, etc?
Within the last couple of years I have bought 2 new model 70's. A blued/walnut Featherweight in .308, and a Super Grade stainless/walnut in .264 Win. mag. Both are really nice rifles...great quality, excellent fit and finish, highly accurate with good triggers. I would rate them right up them with my older Remington 700's and Weatherby Mark V.
I have the featherweight 70 in 7–08 and 25-06 both shoot sub moa at 100 and are reliable in feeding and shooting
I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the current production wood and blued model 70s? Specifically the Safari Express model.
How is their off the shelf quality, dependability, accuracy, fit/finish, etc?
Sure do. They're great. Some might even say (gasp!!) they're better than the older ones.
I bought a M70 5 years ago in 300 win mag. Got a muzzle brake on it, and also took it apart and lightened the trigger pull as much as I could, which required melting and chipping away the epoxy over the adjustment screw. Still a little stiff, but better. Printed 1 MOA with Federal Trophy Copper, and .6 MOA with Federal Terminal Ascent.

My only complaint is that it is a heavy gun to haul up and down the mountains, but it has been excellent and I've taken a handful of deer, an elk, and a couple of pronghorn with it no problem.
I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the current production wood and blued model 70s? Specifically the Safari Express model.
How is their off the shelf quality, dependability, accuracy, fit/finish, etc?
I just bought a Winchester 70 super grade last spring and it is a great rifle. Looking forward to passing it down to my boys. Fit and finish are great. Excellent accuracy and smooth action.

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